Wharram Builders and Friends

A Photo & Discussion Forum for Wharram Design Enthusiasts

Budget Boater
  • Texas
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  • Yura
  • Alfred Daniels
  • Sean Draper
  • Pedro Olding
  • Allen Bosely
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  • Graham Anley
  • Dr.Barna Tibor
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How to post in the FORUM
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Started this discussion. Last reply by Ian Bamsey Jun 30, 2017.

Wharram Wing Sails Now Available
25 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Budget Boater Feb 16, 2019.

Nice Video of a Tangroa Cruising Austraila
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Started this discussion. Last reply by Éric Bouvéron Aug 21, 2015.

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Budget Boater's Page


Finishing a Tiki 38

Next will be a Narai MKIV for personal use.

Profile Information

I am:
A professional builder
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
My first boat at 21 was a Cal 30 sloop, then I later rebuilt a Tangaroa MK IV. I moved on to a Colvin Gazelle lug schooner, then built a Tiki 30. We just finished a Tiki 38 in 2017, and we are now building a Modified Narai MKIV.
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USA - Central Texas
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Wharram TIKI 38 group
Sep 28
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TIKI 26 Group
Sep 24
kim Harman joined Budget Boater's group

Junk Rigged

A place for Junk Rigged Wharrams and other multihulls
Sep 24
Kris joined Budget Boater's group

Restoring Wharrams

A place for those restoring any Wharram
Sep 9
James joined Budget Boater's group


TIKI 30 owners, builders, and general questions about the Wharram TIKI 30
Apr 8
Jeff Cohen joined Budget Boater's group


TIKI 26 Group
Mar 26
german joined Budget Boater's group

Restoring Wharrams

A place for those restoring any Wharram
Feb 29
John Nicolson joined Budget Boater's group


Wharram TIKI 38 group
Feb 17

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Budget Boater's Blog

Minor Updates

These photos are from last year, but they show some of the progress and work being done.



Filling in the…


Posted on May 17, 2012 at 8:35am — 1 Comment

First Modification

While assembling the starboard hull, we made our first "off plan" modification. We wanted to have a secure place for a water bladder and have a way to protect it from other gear that may be stored around it. We decided to build a separate compartment under the main bunk to house the bladder and a water maker.



Posted on April 26, 2010 at 10:19am

Epoxy filler - again!

Once the hull sides cure into place, we remove all of the screws (about 500 total) and fill in the holes. We also fair the hull sides to the backbone. Then comes the dreaded sanding. Though the sanding is not difficult, it is time consuming to do it right and get everything smooth.

When mixing up the epoxy fairing compound, it gets small air bubbles which become exposed during… Continue

Posted on May 29, 2009 at 9:30am

Torturing the ply

The bow and stern sections are by far the most difficult parts of the boat to fit and glue in place. The ply is under some serious strain and twist and does not voluntarily want to do what we force it to do. Once we apply the epoxy and glue to the piece backbone, stringers, and bulkheads, we carefully align each piece and work towards… Continue

Posted on May 27, 2009 at 9:00am

Skinin' it

Melissa and I removed and coated the cut parts and prepared the for being glued onto the stringers. While Melissa spread epoxy onto the plywood pieces, I coated the stringers and bulkhead edges with a thickened epoxy mixture. We then carefully aligned the pieces and screwed them in place.

Thanks to Norm & Linda Stark for… Continue

Posted on May 25, 2009 at 9:13am

Comment Wall (21 comments)

At 9:35am on September 2, 2008, Budget Boater said…
Yes, we are the webmasters for this site. There is no counter currently available through the site. However, on your page, you may be able to import a web based counter widget to your page as part of the content. I do not know if it will work or not.

It is very hard to have only one short mast and keep the larger sail area. The only rig I can think of that can spread a lot of sail area and still keep a short mast is the crab claw rig. You will still have very long booms, which in my opinion could be dangerous in a jibe. It is a matter of the force of the sail coming across that could do damage, not to mention the very heavy weight of the sail itself.

I still prefer the Wingsail schooner rig.
At 6:34pm on September 5, 2008, Betsy Way said…
Dear Budget Boater,
Your pics are wonderful, makes me long for sailing adventures and new shared design dreams. I'm new to forums, and a little slow about how to upload photos to...where exactly? I have a page?
At 9:53am on September 6, 2008, Budget Boater said…
Betsy, I sent you an email.
At 9:57am on December 10, 2008, Chris Bretter said…
Hi I just recieved my Tiki38 plans #118 start in Jan 2009 way cool.Regards Chris
At 5:37pm on January 7, 2009, marc said…
hi I have seen on your site that you used a cnc machine to cut pieces.
It is an interesting subject for me in a hobby way. Please could you precise what elements you used (CAD program, GCode generator, cnc Machine, etc)
At 11:15am on January 21, 2009, sarah said…
Hi, I suppose it's time that I introduced myself. Firstly well done on a fantastic site! My husband and I recently bought our first catamaran, we are new to sailing so I'm trying to get as much help as possible! There is quite a lot of work to do first as the previous owner had his own ideas on what should be on-board! anyway thanks again for a great site. Sarah
At 9:38am on February 6, 2009, hans boortman said…
I am planning to sell my t38 after a planned trip to the fla keys and the exumas this spring, and plan to build a t30. I"ll have some picturessoon.
At 12:43am on October 3, 2009, geno said…
Doing just fine...........keep up the good work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I must try and get down there for a visit some time.................
At 8:14pm on October 30, 2009, Ann and Neville Clement said…
My old email address is no longer in use. I have a new email address now. How do I change from peacefour@pocketmail.com to svpeacefour@yahoo here on the website? Can you do it for me? Your tech challenged friends, ann and Nev
At 10:49am on December 18, 2009, Ann and Neville Clement said…
I screwed up with the computer again and my crossbeam letter got put under electrics and not titled. Can you fix it for me? I don't know how.
ann and nev

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