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Started this discussion. Last reply by marc Feb 19, 2013.

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Started this discussion. Last reply by kim whitmyre Aug 4, 2012.

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marc replied to Theo's discussion Epoxy resin availability in Europe
"Hi, located in France, I use Resoltech's products. 1010 : a water based resin for coating 2040 : a precharged resin for fillets https://www.resoltech.com you should consider also http://www.sicomin.com/"
Feb 2, 2021

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

At 1:10pm on February 13, 2009, Brian said…
Bonjour Marc,

How far along is your Hitia 17? I'm sitting through a New England Winter looking at Hitia Study plans. I plan to start building within a year.

At 6:13pm on April 28, 2009, Thom delForge said…
Marc -- I have a Tiki 31 well into a retro fit. The beam issue is a a sore point with me and the learning curve of having a boat in the water. I built my boat over ten yeas ago -- at the time I spent so much time trying to make it a maintenance free as I could -- silly me! I did not realize that is what a wooden boat is ... (maintenance). I was a bit disappointed when I found a bit of 'rot' in them after only a couple of years -- my big mistake was to rely on caulk to seal any fitting I attached to the beams. nothing works forever. I then removed the beams -- looked for any sign or rot -- replaced all portions I could find -- lots of penetrating epoxy -- epoxy coat primer and then two coats of paint. You would think that would be more than enough -- following year a found more rot -- different places -- it got worse to the point I decided I was going to do something about it. When I removed the beams I was surprised to find them so heavy it took two reasonably strong men to lift them off. I'd say 150 to 175 pounds. When I first built them I remember they where a handful -- but they put on a few pounds -- the new ones weigh around 50 pounds. I have to think they are at least as strong -- maybe stronger. I will go into further detail when I get back to the refit in a few weeks. I will tell you that I decided to keep with Wharram's same dimensions in order to make the existing parts work. My hope was to have everything back together by the end of June -- I may be a bit late -- but for sure this season. I am also redoing a lot of small things to make TIKI THOMCAT a more user friendly craft. Ever since being on board PEACE IV the center 'pod' impressed me -- I am building a similar unit for my boat. The 'lockers' on either side of the cockpit are a nice idea -- but really limit the full use of the space. I will now have a 17 foot wide cockpit! I hope all this turns out as I plan. One thing for certain -- I will be at least 500 pounds lighter. I have also decided to raise the masts 3 feet over the original -- I am too tired of beating my knees up -- and the extra clearance for the pod should make it a better handling boat.
If anyone has experience with Wharram's 'whipstaff' I would appreciate hearing from you. I think I may switch.


At 9:41am on September 6, 2011, Martin said…

Hi Marc,

sorry, haven't been at the building place lately. I was busy organizing the move to the new place. I will look and tell you if I have the same problem. Hope it is not too late then.



At 4:57pm on September 6, 2011, marc said…

Hi Martin,

no prob.

For me a good working session will be necessary to adjust the foredeck, with deckstringers they are quite stiff.

I'm going to consider adding intermediate bulkhead like in :


At 6:43am on November 19, 2011, Martin said…

Hi Marc,

you probably have solved the issue now. My bulkheads give a strait line (more or less...). Hope this helps,


At 3:35pm on November 22, 2011, Martin said…

Haha, I wish it would be as accurate as you think. So far I was just lucky that I could fix or will be able to fix all the messed up things. I'm glad that I ordered a spare sheet of plywood, I just found out that I have to recut the aft decks (they don't reach over the hull sides completly) and I'm sure that I cut them by plan but now 1 cm is missing on each side... (hope the second hull shows the same...)

At 1:56am on December 13, 2013, Charles Eugene Marie said…

Merci Marc. ça fait plaisir. Cela fait un moment que je projette la construction de ce bateau, l'idée c'est de retourner vivre au Vanuatu ou j'ai enseigné la menuiserie après avoir être formé à la charpente navale traditionnelle à Carantec. Il y a de cela bientôt 15 ans. Je suis passé à l'idée du catamaran polynésien, après avoir fait une étude pour une association qui voulait aider les malgaches à apprendre à construire une sorte de goélette inspiré d'un chasse marée du Finistère sud, qu'il utilise déjà depuis 150 ans comme seul moyen de cabotage sur la cote ouest, sablonneuse, pauvre en bois, et habité entre autre par une ethnie de nomade de la mer vivant sur des pirogues. Il me semblait judicieux de s’intéresser a leur culture navale et artisanale. C'est l’époque ou je découvrait les études ethnographique de l'amiral paris qui voyagea avec dumont d'Urville. J'ai trouver stupide de faire faire des bateau très mal adapté à leur milieux, et dont les formes qu'il copie ne leur permet même pus de remonté au vent. En très peut de temps il faut calfater de tel cratère qu'il est impossible de garantir la marchandise de ces bateaux commerciaux. J'ai découvert un article sur l'islander 65.... J'ai l'intention de passé par le détroit de Magellan pour allé au Vanuatu. Le bateau est donc construit en conséquence. C'est pas le type de bateaux que l'on penserait pour ces latitudes. Groosomierdo j'augmente la flottabilité pour rajouté de la structure. Je rajoute du plan anti dérive et de l'inertie en espérant amélioré le pré, notamment dans la mer formée . J'en fait un espace habitable au long cours.

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