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All Blog Posts (216)

Big Island Hawaii

Im in Hawaiin now visiting family. I discover some inetresting boats in a near by port. I was suprised to see the two voyaging canoes Hokulea and Makalii. They  are suposed to be going on another voyage in 6 monthes. The little sailing outrigger  was out to sea when I first spotted it. I watched it sail all the way in.  The Proa was built I believe in the Caroline Islands and is made in the traditional way. The Proa needs help . No one around to ask about it or how it got here. 

Added by Kevin Hutchinson on May 14, 2012 at 6:13pm — 1 Comment



Added by Daniel Coté on April 9, 2012 at 10:46am — No Comments

Touch Wood SOLD!

Thanks for everybody who showed interst in our Tiki38. It is now sold to very good hands and will go on sailing in the Crribbean. We will return to Germany in June and start our new life on dry land.

Added by Sandra Kloesges & Michael Rinas on April 2, 2012 at 11:49am — No Comments

Not a Wharram, Not even a multi but very cool

Heck there probably isn'teven so much as a wooden toothpick aboard. Still this is one of the top end race boats of the world. The running rigging costs more than most Wharrams. This is top end boat building with a highly skilled pro crew and all in sinc and just flat haulin. Look at the acceleration beginning about 30 seconds. shazam!!!!…


Added by boatsmith on February 29, 2012 at 11:55am — 1 Comment

Finished building my tender

My Pippie tender is now ready for launching and waiting for a mothership to serve. If according to plan I can start building the T30 in a couple of months. One of the purposes of building was to try out a few Aussie paint products etc. before committing on a larger scale. Time will show how that works out.

Added by Klaus Pedersen on February 19, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

Ealry British Cat

I saw this todat and thiought that it seemed like James should have been involved somehow. The female quotient is certainly present.   http://www.britishpathe.com/video/windmill-girls-and-catamaran

Added by boatsmith on February 8, 2012 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

Wharram Pahi 42 for Sale (FLorida)

It is with great sorrow that I write this post about my vessel Kaimalolo. I made too many mistakes however, mostly having little to do with the boat itself- as I will make effort to explain.


Her history is epic and tearjerking. Well maybe it just brings tears to my eyes. But she is literally made from dreams as you will find reading this article of how she came to be:…


Added by Jason Belmont on January 25, 2012 at 4:20am — 1 Comment

Study plans

Got the study plans a bit ago and have been going over them. in the plans there is no place for my chair When i need it. So we will be drawing up a bit of new hull while trying to keep the T46 lines. I sent a note to Mr. Wharram to ask if i can buy the parts of the plan i need and not the parts i will have to redesign. 

My dad likes the design as well so i have plenty of experienced help to bounce ideas and plans off. Its going to be a nice build I suppose i have to be patient for…


Added by Ernie wisner on January 21, 2012 at 12:38am — No Comments

Taraipo Tangaroa MK1 Stollen in majuro, North pacific

Hi I would like to report my wharram Tangaroa catamaran Taraipo stollen By John Morris Ritzlaf

You will have a picture of Him and of my Boat enclosed and you can find the same posters there.


I sent also the same message to Noonsite.

I will send it to all police agencies in the pacific.

It will be posted also in the wharram catamaran community web sites.

Taraipo has been, stollen in Majuro,…


Added by breizhstarsailor on January 7, 2012 at 11:40am — 2 Comments

The move!

It was a bit scary but car and hull survived it...


Now I really have space:…


Added by Martin on November 19, 2011 at 6:52am — No Comments

Starting Tiki 30 #218

Have just received the plans for my T30, boat no. 218. Now preparing the build site under our small house as an extension of my workshop. Will be tricky at times due to our location in a swamp that often floods in winter. Everything will have to be half a meter above the ground. Consequently, the boat will probably be launched an unknown number of times before the proper launch ! At least I won't snow in.

Added by Klaus Pedersen on November 17, 2011 at 7:44pm — 1 Comment

Tiki 38 “Touch Wood” 2002 FOR SALE in the Caribbean or Florida!

Tiki 38 “Touch Wood” 2002 FOR SALE in the Caribbean or Florida!

Fully equipped for longterm sailing and ready to go.  Asking 79.000 Euro

Exceptionally well built by Dave and Rita Barker in 2002. We have been sailing Touch Wood since 2007 in the Algarve and the Med and took her across the Atlantic in 2010. We are right now cruising the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas.

Short inventory (for a longer, more detailed version mail to…


Added by Sandra Kloesges & Michael Rinas on November 10, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

OK fellas, there is a product put out by US PLASTICS. www.usplastic.com called Dynaform. It is a pultruded polyester/fiberglass product in Ibeam tube or box section in  dimensions up to 8x8 or 8x4 in…

OK fellas, there is a product put out by US PLASTICS. www.usplastic.com called Dynaform. It is a pultruded polyester/fiberglass product in Ibeam tube or box section in  dimensions up to 8x8 or 8x4 in the Ibeam. I know it is moving away from lumber but if the beams are strong enough, the rot issue goes away as do many many hours of construction time and future maintenance. The price they have for the 8x4  Ibeam is $34.00 per foot with up to 15% discounts…


Added by allan poulter on November 9, 2011 at 10:49am — 1 Comment

diesel outboards and compact diesel motors

I seams I cant post the link to the chinese Diesel outboards. My solar business has used www.Alibaba.com in the past as a resource for parts etc. I just happened to have a few minutes and typed in Diesel outboards in the search  page and up they came. I know that Yanmar stopped building their wonderful outboard motors a few years ago but you can even find a few of those on there too.  What i found were between 4-10 HP.  With the reputation of diesels for… Continue

Added by allan poulter on October 23, 2011 at 1:05pm — 1 Comment

Great Tiki 21 video

I found this great Tiki 21 video on Youtube: http://youtu.be/k3bzpuVstv4

Added by Hector de Ezcurra on October 15, 2011 at 2:01pm — 1 Comment

Centre mounted diesel with a long tail.

Perhaps we could recap any older ideas and add a few new ones.

I would like to run a nissan SD 22 4 cylinder diesel coupled through a PRM 150 transmission with a long tail.

Has anyone got any new ideas or problems encountered.perhaps some new pictures.

Added by Chris Bretter on October 4, 2011 at 1:30pm — 6 Comments

crab claw 3rd chance?

Hello, I  read  the optimist pram test and the Marchaj wind tunnel article thats why I gave the crab claw another chance.  Windward ability is not the only thing we look for in a rig. We don't all need to point like a race boat . We do however need to point like a cruising boat, especialy when reefed. Getting away from a lee shore in a blow is a very important ability for any cruiser. I believe a  boat should be able to point 45 derees to aparent wind, minimum. I encourage folks to do their own… Continue

Added by Kevin Hutchinson on September 2, 2011 at 8:33am — 2 Comments


Just read Kevin Hutchinson's crabclaw sail test experience. Great that you gave it a 2nd chance Kevin.

Maybe a 3rd try is worth the effort. Some years ago the french sailing magazine http://www.voilesetvoiliers.com/ ran a very ambitious test using 10 different rig typs an Optimists an raced them against each other. The crabclaw came out on top, No 1.

Of course the crabclaw is not the winner in headwinds, overall the French results…


Added by Stig Hoffstedt on September 1, 2011 at 5:09am — 1 Comment

The start (actual building time so far 143,5 h)

I finally dare to go public with my build. I have absolutely no experience in boat building so I was not sure how far I will get. Now after 9 month I am confident enough that I will finish it.

I was surprised to find out that the main problem so far is to free some time for the build. The expected technical problems for me as a total greenhorn proved to be manageable so far.

Yesterday I just finished the fillets and keel glassing of the first hull. Now I face another delay, I…


Added by Martin on August 26, 2011 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Crab Claw Test

Hello Wharram fans! I had a crab claw sail in the past  and  I was disapointed in its performance.The rig is so sexy I thought it needed another chance. So I decided to test it against a lug sail with the same sail area. My test boat was my 14' sailing Kayak(not the most efficient). Last weakend I spent three hours sailing  around a course alternating the rigs. My test results show the crab claw tacked through 130 degrees to windward. The Lug was not much better at 110 dergees. Now a good… Continue

Added by Kevin Hutchinson on July 6, 2011 at 9:42pm — 7 Comments

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