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The time has come to launch my boat.It has been a long build with a number of challenges.I have a billion small things to do before the launch next week,finding a virgin not least amongst them ;-).

I would like to acknowledge all those who have encouraged me on this journey,you know who you are.

Cheers P.

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Congratulations mate! Well done.


Thats chapter one.

Good luck with the sailing :-)

Well done Paul, now comes the reward for all that hard work!

Looking forward to seeing the photos...

Thx fellas,I have not settled on a name yet but ''Honey Badger'' is a strong contender.Rob I will get some pics for sure.

"Honey Badger" sounds good !

Robert Hughes said:

"Honey Badger" sounds good ! Bill Bailey would approve. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg

Congratulations, Paul!

Cheers Bob and Boa Ya,frantic last minute work done,antifouling,non skid on the decks.The interiors are a mess,but I will get onto them later.I borrowed  a 7m trailer from a mate.It's good but a little bit tall of the ground. I may just lash some poles to it to extend the width of the trailer and assemble the boat on the trailer,we will see.

Congratulations, mate!

Well done Paul. I'm sure you'll get a real return on your efforts now you're heading for the water. Good luck and enjoy it.

With the help of my young mate Eli,we worked until late in the night loading and securing the boat.An early start saw us crawling along to the briny.

Eli had to go to work so the launch was left up to me,I found myself dithering as I was apprehensive of putting the boat in myself.Fortune favours the brave and I backed my pride and joy into the drink.

I decided to launch the boat with the temporary 2x4 beams still lashed on,pretty much like boatsmiths pics of yore.Once she was off the trailer.It was time to spread the hulls.

Unfortunately whilst doing this the starboard hull slipped and lay on it's side.I managed to lift it with the help of a stranger.This happened again whilst on my own and no offers of help forthcoming I eventually used a high lift jack to right the hull.By this stage I was absolutely shagged and was pleased when a friend offered the help of her son and his friend to align the hulls and lash everything down.I was going to do the naming ceremony but decided to delay it until I have the stick up.

Cheers all for the kind words of support.


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