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Wharram Catamaran - Tanenui 28ft - "DreamTime" - FOR SALE

Completed and Launched 2008 – top quality build with quality materials – very attractive wood-grain interior. Full building plans with photographs of build progress included.

4 Single Berths, Large deck area, Beachable, approx dimensions 8.5m x 3.5m
Draft 600mm.

We have owned this boat since June 2009, she has taken us to the Bay of Islands, Kawau Bay frequently, and down to the Mercury Islands. She is an ideal coastal cruising boat set up for easy single handed sailing.

Deck Area : Vitex decking, retractable swim ladder. Non-skid cockpit and fore-deck, substantial netting fore and aft. 4 lockable, deep storage lockers with new dorade vents. Anchor locker with hinged covers, battery and fuel storage locker. Dinghy space on rear beam.

Cabins and Storage : 2 hatch entry to both hulls. Galley in the port hull, electrical and cabinet storage in the starboard hull. Fold-away steps and seating. Full length under-bunk storage and netting. Small under floor storage area.

Galley : Single burner LPG cooker (2 external small gas bottles.)

Sails : Cutter Rig. Fully battened Main, Stay-sail, Yankee, Light Wind Drifter. The sails are in very good condition. Zip up sail bags keep the sun off the sails while remaining hanked on to the fore-stays.

Outboard : Honda BF5 Long-Shaft 5hp 4 stroke mounted on a retractable pod with splash guards. 10 litre fuel tank. Speed - 5-6 knots in calm conditions.

Electrical : 12v battery, LED navigation lights – mast top and cabin sides, rear beam. Battery charges from solar panel (with regulator) and outboard motor.

Ground Tackle : Manson Supreme Galvanised anchor with 17m of 8mm galvanised chain, 50m nylon warp, Spare Danforth anchor with chain and 50m nylon warp.

Recent Maintenance : (December 2013) Painted Topsides, Hulls, Rudders, New Antifouling. New dorades.

Asking Price $28,000.

Location : mooring - Whangateau Harbour, Warkworth area, North of Auckland New Zealand

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Beautiful cat!

We went and met Graham and Josephine for a chat and had a look over Dream Time, not to
buy since I already own a Tanenui but I am interested in other people's
Wharrams and their experiences. I was most impressed. Dream Time is
elegant! She looks wonderful sailing, she is finished with real care and
has a number of lovely touches for practical sailing, single handing and
cruising. Graham and Josephine are still enthusiastic about her after five years of
owning and sailing her, they are only selling because they have a not to be missed chance
to buy a friend's year old Tiki 30.

Is your beautiful Tanenui still on sale?

Please let me know asap.

I am interested in buying her if still possible.



Hi Arthur

Yes the boat is still available. Southern hemisphere summer is approaching and I have had a bit more interest but nothing totally settled as yet. So please let me know as soon as you can if you want to proceed further.

Out of curiosity - What would your plans be ? - Are you coming to NZ for a sailing holiday (a really good idea) or would you ship her back home to SA ?

Best regards

Graham Marsden

Hi Graham/Josephine, just wondering if Dreamtime is sold? loovely looking boat, regards, rob

Hi Robert

DreamTime is now sold and ready for new adventures with a new young owner and his enthusiastic partner.

She will most likely be at the New Zealand 2015 Wharram enthusiasts gathering at Mahurangi Harbour north of Auckland.around 28th February 2015

Best regards


Hell!the boat is still for sell ? Thank you .Can you send me more detail and photos please .My email : yvon.dalle1@gmail.com

Thank you 

As I posted above December 2014, I had sold DreamTime to a young guy here in NZ

He has since listed the boat on TradeMe her in NZ a couple of times.

DreamTime is still very close to where I live and I am not sure what is happening with her.

Let me know if you want to be in contact with the owner, I can arrange it.


Hello ! Is your boat sold already ?

Yes DreamTime is sold ... details in previous post.


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