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Hi David - I see on your video you are fitting a board to the ARIKI ?

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A daggerboard in each hull. 30" fore and aft with a 5'4" projection.

A daggerboard in each hull and a big roach full batten main and an extendable carbon sprit for the screacher and aysemetrical.

here a centre board on tiki 26 of a friend . I sent him email to have feedback ?

Here is the profile of our Ariki with the board. The sail rig is close but has more roach and 6 battens. We are having the sails made by Dave Calvert/Doyle.


David - If I can use first names ? this attach. will not open for me ? Perhaps it matters little from the Info. given I think I can see the picture.

I am a little surprised at a board on this boat. Not on Wharrams in general. My own limited experience is that I need one on my Pahi but other small Tikis seem fine without.

Tiki has a deeper "V" and more rocker than Pahi  [more draught] which is probably why. Price paid is less space inside ?

However James launched this boat as suitable for Round-Britain and Trans-Atlantic racing. Specifically for the OSTAR which is 2000 miles of windward work / racing. It already seems to be among the narrower hulled deeper "V 'ed "boats. Hence my curiosity. Why would such a boat need a board added ?

James did in fact try very hard for racing success. The Pahi designs are derived from an attempt to design a 35 ft boat to win the Round Britain. James himself served on the committee of MOCRA.

Laurence - thanks for photo. Can you find out more ? From the photo it looks like the board does not protrude at all below the existing keel line so I suspect it may not be of great value however experience trumps over theory every time....can you report more ?




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