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G,day folks

With the near completion of my boat and a slight improvement in the cash flow situation my mind turns to launching the cat.

I have looked at a lot of pics on the interwebs and noticed that some builders have assembled the boat while it is in the water. I think Boatsmith has done this?

My proposed launch site is not a very level piece of ground so assembling the boat in the water would make sense.

How would you do it, or if you have done it, what advice do you have?

Any tips on what makes for any easier launch would be welcome.

cheers paul.

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Hey there Paul,
Have done both ways with our Hinemoa, Mystery, for me the on water was easier but focus is needed, lest hulls fall over! This was a result of being in a hurry, really tired and doing something dumb like undoing all beam to hull ropes, not good.
The successful way used the beams as levers, the forward and aft beams tied, in correct postion,to the port hull and the center beam tied correctly to the starboard hull and walk them apart to the correct position, the weight of the beams rested loosely on each hull until lashed down. Being on the water allowed the beams and hulls to find their natural position.
I found a sand flat inside an inlet, waited for the bottom of the tide to take trailer out onto the flats, roll off the hulls on their trolley wheels, with their short trailer cross beams in place and make everything ready to go.
As soon as the tide floated the hulls I could walk around and easily move them into position. With the hulls lashed I simply floated the heavier pieces, slat decks, mast etc. over and worked them up onto the boat.
The reason for the inlet sandflat was the lack of tidal flow as you would find in a creek or river, tried that and it sucked, especially for one person!
Hope this helps,


Thank you for taking the time to explain your launch process.

launching the boat solo like that is a feat in itself, onya mate.

The idea that the hulls will find their level is far better than mucking around endlessly trying to level it on land. I should image i could copy this process even though there are no accessible sand flats to speak of in my neck of the woods.

all the best paul. 

Somewhere there is a series of photos of James doing a water launch and assembly of a t26 or 8m, I'm not sure which. It was the same basic proceedure as Shaun described. Use the beams to keep the hulls from capsizing, attach forward and aft beams, float the cockpit into position, lift it in place and move the main beam into place to capture it. Attach everything raise the mast and sail away. Haven't quit figured out the part about floating the cockpit yet, mine has holes to let the water out and I fear that dastardly substance will think it can come into the cockpit the same way. Perhaps a collection of wenches lacking in attire would speed the process.

Here we go.

Them's the ones! That should do it, eh Paul?

Absolutely mate, now if only the bloody interior paint would stick...

Let's go...

paul anderson said:

Absolutely mate, now if only the bloody interior paint would stick...

The mystery in those photos: look at the boat on the trailer. Where's the cockpit?

Rogerio Martin said:

Let's go...

paul anderson said: manyana manyana

Absolutely mate, now if only the bloody interior paint would stick...

Haha... When I had my expanding trailer, I would lash the cockpit to the aft decks. It took two of us to lower the cockpit to the ground while we set the fore and aft beams. Then we set the mast beam just ahead of its chocks, put the cockpit's aft ledger onto the aft beam, and one of us supported the fore end of the cockpit while the other wrestled the mast beam into position, thus trapping the cockpit.

Russell and Janet Puryear said:

The mystery in those photos: look at the boat on the trailer. Where's the cockpit?
Once I had done it afloat I never considered doing it ashore again. And this with a much heavier boat. I fit the cockpit by coming alongside at suitable tide and two men can carry it aboard and into position. I see some of these complicated and expensive trailers and think - do they really submerge them in salt water ? Afloat is quick simple cheap. Shaun's post sounds spot-on for your boat. And CONGRATULATIONS mate !!!
Something I now see that I never made clear - I assemble in deep water. It looks like some here are standing in the water while working. Water is too cold for that here ! I stand on the hulls. No problem.

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