Wharram Builders and Friends

A Photo & Discussion Forum for Wharram Design Enthusiasts


Small Pahi Group

Anything and everything related to owning / sailing / building smaller PAHI up to and including PAHI 31.

Members: 33
Latest Activity: Feb 6, 2024

Discussion Forum

PAHI 31 REVIEW 2 Replies

  The Pahi range was developed in the mid / late 70's. The Classic range was pretty much complete and JWD were looking for a new avenue to explore designwise.  Apart from the styling differences…Continue

Started by Galway Bay. Last reply by Benoit May 11, 2016.

Introduce yourself ? 8 Replies

I thought it might be a good idea if members of the group told us a little about themselves, their boats and their travels, Pahi owners especially but all welcome,Continue

Started by Galway Bay. Last reply by Greg Russell Jan 16, 2015.


   I am starting this group because of the wonderful response I got to posting some photos of my Pahi 31. I did not think there was so high a level of interest ih these designs.Long overdue perhaps ?…Continue

Started by Galway Bay. Last reply by john elwyn kimber Aug 8, 2014.

Modifications 11 Replies

I think it would be helpful to any new builders to have this information gathered together in one place.My own mods. are1.  3 x crossbeams  [ I section ]2.  1 x daggerboard  [ + much deeper ]3.  1 x…Continue

Started by Galway Bay. Last reply by Galway Bay Nov 12, 2013.

Comment Wall

Comment by Galway Bay on January 29, 2013 at 1:11am

Working s.a. 370   Max 450. The working sails  as shown on the plans are only about 230 and are more appropriate to F6 ie. 2nd reef. I am convinced it was fitting these undersized headsails that caused so much disappointment to early builders.

Comment by Alex on January 30, 2013 at 6:01pm
Pity that pahi took step back for the tiki's. as close to the heart. All Wharrams are unique but none more so than the pahi's. with bigger pahi selling better, no need to concentrate on the smaller.
Comment by Kevin Hutchinson on January 31, 2013 at 10:30am

I would like to see many of the older Wharrams revisted and updated  especially the small Pahis.The Sail area is not enough for most of the designs compared to almost any other modern cat. I also dont sail in the North atlantic! Here in South Florida its very rare for the wind to get stronger than 30knts unless a Huricane is coming .

Comment by Galway Bay on January 31, 2013 at 12:41pm

One thing I am learning on this site is that a "good" boat is just a boat that is suited to your waters. Even in our calmest month June the chance of a gale is 5 times higher than the chance of a calm. So I am a little jealous!  This was a wild year I would say the wind was 25 - 30 on a lot of the days we were out. I have great respect for our forecasters they get it so right. Being undercanvassed is not a problem when you are reefed down most of the time.

Still on a "good" summer this is heaven to cruise.

Comment by Alex on February 12, 2013 at 4:38am
Pahi 26 in need of rescue in the USA.
$ 5000.
Comment by Galway Bay on February 12, 2013 at 5:20am

Is it just me ? 5000 usd ? No rig no engine no trailer seems there is room for some bargaining here ? Would be nice if someone took her on tho'

Comment by Jeremy Walker on February 24, 2013 at 11:28am

Picking up on Galway Bay's comment  inviting me to pipe up on this group, I admit to having previously thought about doing so. But what had stopped me was concern about conflict.......let me explain - I consider myself a Wharram friend and have in fact even been invited by James to pop around for a beer. However as a keen student of ancient seafaring I do not fully agree with Capt Cook's ideas about sailing canoe evolution....I am convinsed that shunting canoes are the sailing prototype. There are also other design details in which my thinking differs from JW, so it is difficult to speak without maybe causing friction.....gotta go now, am late for a bus

Comment by Jeremy Walker on February 26, 2013 at 5:36pm


OK. I was on time for that bus……..which was a good thing since I had to drive it. Winding along the shore of the Whangarei harbour towards the heads is always a pleasure and an inspiration to get my sailing canoe back on the water.

While owning the Hinemoa I could not help thinking how I might improve the boat by converting to a small Pahi configuration…….and to answer what I mean by saying this; a Pahi to me is a double canoe with end for end symmetry but which is bi-laterally  asymmetric.

As I warned in my previous message, conflict may erupt from speaking out because a Wharram Pahi is not what I have described above and with due respect this remains so.

Anyway, instead of modifying the Hinemoa I sold up and have concentrated effort towards getting my outrigger sailing canoe back on the water as well as making some progress on the small Pahi.

Although I have managed to achieve nearly as much in the way of creature comforts on the outrigger canoe compared to the Hinemoa, this given a similar overall length, both are minimalistic.

To gain more in the way of habitation, carrying capacity and power, my choice goes to a small Pahi, and by small I mean 20ft LOA.

Comment by Galway Bay on March 1, 2013 at 7:15am

Sometimes I think there should be a  "Not-A-Wharram" group here to include the "....And Friends" in the title. Also the "And Other Ply Multi...." on the log-in page. Budget Boater who started this site intended it to be so and this was one of the attractions for me when I first found it.

I paddle Kayaks a lot and it does seem true that the smaller the boat the more enjoyment. The design of a truly minimalist but functional cruiser is a fine design challenge. I agree that an assymetric multi is an excellent starting point.

Comment by Alex on March 1, 2013 at 12:13pm
Done. Created another group with that title.
I would be interested to hear more from Jeremy and others, as I also have a proa fascination.


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