A Photo & Discussion Forum for Wharram Design Enthusiasts
Hello, I've just joined day's after buying a tanenui/tiki hybrid from Scott Brown Multihulls if you want to see photos of her she's still advertised on his brokerage list but with a sold sign added. I'm 58 and married to Linda. I've owned several boats over the years but only one cat a Heavenly Twins 26 which I owned from 1991-1993 I know many people in the multihull business, I knew Pat Patterson his son Pip from Multihull centre Millbrook. Know Brian North founder of multihull world in Emsworth and many still at Multihull World my mooring on the river Exe I bought off Brian North. I was looking on this site at the discussion about what to look for in a Tanenui, and wondered if the guy viewing one that had under deck storage forward of the mast was based at faversham UK if so this is the boat I've bought she looks great to my eyes and yes I was concerned at several lowered areas along the deck but the last owner stated there were no problems with waves touching and lots of clearance. She is modified being 9 meteres long by 4.5 metres with Tiki cross beams and cabin tops, altered to give full standing headroom, decks (no bulwarks) and tiki rig except also having a boom. The last owner was 82 and has lived on boats most his life and even built a Wharram cat and several monohulls his workmanship is superb he added an aft cockpit with all controls close to hand which he was most pleased with as the added protection is essential in the UK, he is even helping me sail her around to Devon in April so I feel he wouldn't offer to do that if his modifications don't work in practice or she slams at all. I will be posting some photos later Cheers Nibby David
Thanks for that, very interesting the good thing about my Tanui/Tiki hybrid is the beam having Tiki cross beams she is 15ft beam wheras tanenui is normally 12.5 ft. I think you are right centre to centre beam about half waterline length prooves the old saying if it looks right it usually is right.
Hi Reg, you were right about the rudder stocks, they have been attended to and properly rebuilt after giving way due to the sinking mud at Faversham and the boat trying to slide toward the middle put enormous loads on the rudders.
Just checked out where Faversham is [G. Earth] that is a fine delivery you have in store. Be sure to leave a day or two to spare in the Scillies - absolute multihull heaven. Am tempted to go back there again myself this summer. Remember - Scilly or Isles Of Scilly they really dont like being called The Silly Isles !!! or The Silly People !!!
If David passes the Isles of Scilly on his way to the River Exe there is serious error in navigation:) unless going North around which isn't a bad idea.
Dont know how I got the idea but I thought the boat was going to North Devon. Silly me apparently !! My UK geography is not the sharpest - North Devon has a coast on the south side of the Bristol channel ?? And the Scillies are still a multihull heaven.
The Isles of Scilly are amazing and should be on anyones list, but a you'll want at least a week there.
Yeah, I was a bit confused, I could of course drop in at Braye, Aderney or even the Isle of Wight, not to mention the lovely Islands of Poole harbour, all are very beautiful. I do intend going to the isles of Scilly as lots of people from my yacht club cruise there and say how wonderful it is. IF we get a summer this year it's real possibility, as are the lovely rivers in devon and Cornwall spoilt for choice really.
How many hours behind UK time is Galway Bay? according to my P C you sent this 5 hours ago or about 4 in th morning, or do you get woken by people coming back from the local pubs & nightclub like we do?.
A good thing about Tacenui Mae already is that just viewing her has shown me a part of the UK I wouldn't have normally been likely to go, it's not a natuaral destination for us as it's easier to take the M25 around London to find the right road radiating out from London to Kent, otherwise South West to East is basically cutting across major routes coming from london to south and south east coasts and ports. I thought Faversham was beautiful and in a couple of weeks I'm taking my wife to see the boat and we are staying B&B overnight in Canterbury which has got to be an amazing place.
Driving musicians home from said pubs.
I do Hon.Sec. for Music Club. Check email couple of times a day as we get lots of email traffic at this time of year in connection with our Festival. See www.wmw.ie . Had the amazing Carravick Sisters from Cornwall/Devon here a couple of times if you get a chance go see them. Also Joe Stead and Kimber's Men the best sea shanty singers I know.
Our local nightclub "The Grove" has midweek accustic music/folk/sea shanty evenings, visiting musicians have proven very popular. The "Rave" nights aren't so popular with local resident's because of vanadalism and damage to parked cars etc. I only live about fifteen minutes away from Sidmouth which You'd probably know as the venue of a famous International Folk Week it's a brilliant atmosphere. I'll look out for the Carravick Sisters thanks
Canterbury is a nice town, Whitstable also, and if you have the time Rye is very nice, with some great restaurants and nice little harbour.
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