Wharram Builders and Friends

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Hey all,I've just stepped my mast for the first time on my rebuilt tangaroa mk Iv. I'm doing a version of wakatiateas crab claw,so have put a 10degree rake on my 7meter mast. My question is what kind of angles are too severe for my forestay bridle,as mine is very horizontal I'm wondering if there would be too much sideways pull bringing the stem posts together. Any thoughts?

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Posting a diagram or drawing would no doubt explain things best. But I’ll have another go in words –

What I suggeat is to glue and bolt a piece of 2x3” hardwood onto each stem, from deck level down to near waterline. The leading edge(of these false stem pieces) can be radiuses or shaped to cut wateras well  as the blunt Wharram stems.

 Looking at these fals stems as being similar to the  mooring cleat bolted to the deck (in your pics on this thread) might give the picture.

Just as there is a bolt fastening the cleat  where the line fasten’s, so there should be bolts wherever fastening points are placed on the false stems.




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