I've bought a used 47' ORO it is 20' wide I'm going to widen it to 24' and I'm doing it in the water. if I make the front and back beam temperarly out of 3- 2x11 fir boards, will that hold the boat togeather while I take out the other two beams? Vern.
The boats are so amazingly overbuilt. Why not make up two new beams first, then install them while taking out the others. Then build your remaining beams and install as you complete each. Or, make all of the new beams then do the entire exchange at once.
Hopefully, your berth or anchorage is very calm and not subject to much, if any, roll or large wakes.
Permalink Reply by vern on August 24, 2008 at 8:03pm
Shane, I live on Vancouver Is. Canada It gets quit cold in the winter. what I'm planing is the two middle beams I'm going to make out of plywood, they will drop down around 2 feet. and off the bottom of these beams I'm going to make the floor of the main cabin. I may make the boat cabin all part of the boat, with no floating beams, like a lagoon or one of the other types. There's no way I want to be in a small dodger or open deck. boating is supposed to be fun. If I attach & epoxy every thing to the stringers and leave the beams I can't see why it wouldn't be plenty strong enough. most all the cats I've looked up that size are around 24' wide, and that gives me more room. and comfort. I'm not after speed. and not going off shore. right now I'm finishing the bottom had to replace 4 of the bottom 1X10's on one side. had teredo worms. Vern.