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Hi all, a couple of questions for you more experienced live aboards. We currently own a tiki 30 which we coastal cruise in and around Singapore, Malaysia & Thailand. We are getting closer to retirement, 5 years or so, and contemplating a larger Tiki, probably a 46, as a permanent live aboard cruiser. The tentative plan is for 2 to 3 years in this region before returning to Australia, we are expats here, and then living and sailing there, particularly exploring the more southern, read colder and wetter regions, like Tasmania.

We know from our Tiki 30 experience that rain is a pain but only short term as we don't live aboard. Was hoping to hear from those that are living aboard either permanently or for regular periods how you deal with rain when moored i.e. moving from one hull to the other especially in the evening.

The study plans I have for the 46 show the access hatch to the main living area off the side of the deck cabin which I'm assuming would make it difficult to extend the cockpit bimini to provide cover over hatches. The hatch opposite the cockpit provides access to the rear cabin and one option could be creating an opening in the bulkhead to gain access to the rest of the hull. Looking at the plans I assume we'd need to duck under the beam that sits on that bulkhead.

Also not sure how wet the 46 is sailing, the 30 can get pretty wet in a bit of a blow which usually means putting in the wash board and closing the hatch which makes it difficult to see charts etc. 

Any thoughts, suggestions, insights would be appreciated.


Cheers, Nigel

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We have a Tiki 46 which we sail and live aboard 5-6 months a year. Our cockpit has a hard bimini and stays very dry while sailing. Occasionally in big waves we will get spray up between the cockpit floor and the beam that supports the aft section of the deck pod but we personally rarely get wet from wave splash. 

As to living aboard in the rain. This past year we spent time in the Western Caribbean during the rainy season and cursed the absence of a walkway between the hulls. I'd be happy just getting from the cockpit to the galley without getting drenched! If I had to build again I would do as Hans or Bertrand did and raise the hull roofs so there is an entry on the side of the roof rather than in the top of the roof.Then, if the deckpod roof is raised or the pod eliminated, it should be possible to have a bimini of some type that will stretch between the two hulls. The Manta production cat  has the roof that I envisage for the Tiki. I had thought about just extending the bimini to go over the aft starboard cabin and then cutting a door in the bulkhead to enter the galley through, but you're right, that beam trough would make it pretty ugly and sets Jeff up for a good head bumping.

Hope this gives you some idea of what needs to be addressed to make the Tiki more comfortable in rainy weather.


We have lived on our Tiki 46 for 10 years now full time.  When it rains, we break out books or visit friends ashore or on other boats, or we get wet.  It has not been a problem for us because we travel north and south with the seasons.  No big deal.  If we are sailing faster than 9 knots, the foredeck gets splashed a little up forward.  If we are sailing faster, we get more splashing up forward.  No big deal.  I got lots wetter in monohulls and it never kept me home.  The nice thing about the clear areas between hulls is the sky which is so bright to see when crossing over to the other hull maybe to make a cuppa cocoa at night.  The stars can only be seen if you are outside.  They are full of majesty and worth the trip.  Ann

 "When it rains, we break out books or visit friends ashore or on other boats"

 "The stars can only be seen if you are outside"

ann, some simple words make my morning happy, the paradise should be full of person like you

We truly enjoyed sailing down the windward passage. Skimming along 9-11 knots between the mountains of Cuba and the mountains of Haiti. Dolphin pods and whale pods. Haitians in crabrigged fishing boats and villages on the coast. Jamaica Rising up from the low-lying clouds. Riding down the Rio Grande River on a bamboo raft. Ackey and saltfish for breakfast. Climbing waterfalls. Caving on Cayman Brac. Snorkeling on the Kittywake and the pyramids at Cicheniza. The Milky way on starlit nights. Reading books everynight. We had a great time, but if it rains you still get wet.......


Nev says to remove clothes and run fast!

Many thanks for dashing off the quick replies....trying not to dampen my wife's enthusiasm for the idea!



Ann and Neville Clement said:

Nev says to remove clothes and run fast!

"Tiki 46 in the Rain" sounds like a Neil Sedaka or Barry Manilow song...

Hey Sue, I am working on bimini/pod ideas for the New Arikis we are building. I am very interested in your thoughts on this subject.Perhaps you have a photo of one you like? Peace, David

Hey David ,

The production cat with the big bimini is a Seawind - not a Manta. Sorry.  Some people down in Marathon had a model  that I thought would be perfect for a Tiki mod. Their bimini was soft and covered the center deck area as well as extended just over the hull openings. The bimini  setup you had on Abaco was pretty much what I envision.  The tiki 30 has raised hulls with the center deck nestled between them. The main hatch openings not only were on the deck roof, but the side of the hull as well.  Abacos bimini extended almost completely over those openings. (Photo below). All that would need to be done is have some sort of soft sided enclosure that can start at the bimini edge and be fastened to the hull top just to the outside of those hatches. Then people can leave the cockpit and enter the hull without needing to get wet (and more importantly without getting the steps and floor in the hull all wet). When the sun (or moon) is out and weather nice, unzip the enclosure, roll up the sides, and enjoy the fresh air. I found a picture of Abaco that had a sun shade placed in much the same way that I picture a full enclosure.  I don't think that this bimini placed just over the deckpod and cockpit area and a small section of each hull will cause undo windage. Our cockpit and deckpod already extend to the hull sides, and the cockpit is completely enclosed so the additional windage would be minimal. 

I love our Tiki 46 and she sails amazingly so I don't want people to think that I am unhappy with the boat. But to be honest, Nigel was talking about the suitability of this design in the colder/rainier latitudes. We sailed this boat in the northern climates in November. It was not always pleasant. Even if you get all toasty in bed, it doesn't change the fact that if you want to eat/use the bathroom it's necessary to walk through ice or snow to get to the next warm room. An enclosure would relieve this and possibly make the difference between him choosing a tiki and a more conventional design. 



Maybe something like the Maine Cat 41 but that allowes for the movement of the lashed beams/hulls:



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