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Caught between CVG or #2 or Better Douglas Fir choice

I know CVG is better or is it necessary for a Tiki 38 build?

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Ordered 500 LF VGC 1x6 for a Tiki 38 Build. Any current Tiki 38 builders in the US to compare notes with? Found some great sources for epoxy and plywood. Any builders interested let me know.

In the planning stages for my Tiki 38 build.  I am also interested in your material sources.

Where are you located? We are in Northern MN. Have you purchased palns? What hull number?

Best regards,


Located in Washington State on the Columbia River.  Plans have been purchased!  Hull #179.


I have #176, sweet. Yes, lets have a conversation. Just send a friend request.

I sourced the Douglas Fir locally it was VGC 4s 1x6 16' lengths just over $7 LBF.


I sent you a message in case you did not see it.

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