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I have been wondering how suitable Tiki 21 is for sailing in subarctic climate, such as in the waters of the Nordic countries. Any experiences?

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Well that was a few weeks back. It was a nice late weekend and we were lucky. I wouldn't want to be out now! 

I'm about to spend two weeks on Beto in the conditions in question. 40-60 F. I'll give you a report on it all afterwards if you want, Timo. The Tiki in 20 knots is reasonably dry if you put a reef in the main and jib. Here is an idea of it. The 21 is my favorite boat.......but I will commit blasphemy and admit that I'm getting a Corsair next!


Wow Brad, two weeks in 40-60°F (around 5-15°C)! Yes, I'm curious to read your report if you have time to write it. I'm more into plywood than fibreglass, so no Corsairs to me, please. :)

Hi Brad, how were those couple of weeks aboard with low temps? Thank you

Brad Ingram said:

I'm about to spend two weeks on Beto in the conditions in question. 40-60 F. I'll give you a report on it all afterwards if you want, Timo. The Tiki in 20 knots is reasonably dry if you put a reef in the main and jib. Here is an idea of it. The 21 is my favorite boat.......but I will commit blasphemy and admit that I'm getting a Corsair next!


Moi Timo, another Finn here

On Lake Päijänne (gentler winds than the Baltic Sea)  I haven't had problems when sailing in early October, though I sail a bit bigger boat: Tiki 31 has four small cabins (I can almost sit upright in them). We haul her out around Ocotber 5th because it is nicer to prepare for winter before sub-zero temperature.

I guess the capacity to carry spare clothing is relevant. My only offshore trip so far was on a Wharram Tanenui (28 feet?) from Uusimaa to Bornholm in May, in quite a chilly weather. We had only little rain during the four days sail (two nights sleeping briefly in marinas), but when we arrived, I had a lot of wet wool with me. However we had almost comically huge, warm neoprene rescue suits. They were a total overkill, but at some point I started to sleep in mine on the deck instead of crawling into my cabin and sleeping bag. But in general I agree with Ian's point about layered sailing clothing.

Oh, this was an old thread that popped up. Well, it's not irrelevant.

Hi Panu,
Good idea to sleep in the neoprene suit on deck. I wonder how many days one could be inside a neoprene suit before starts melting into the skin :)
I wonder how Rory McDougall was sleeping during the Jester Challenge crossing the Atlantic and in his circumnavigation aboard his "Cooking  Fat" Tiki 21.

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