

West Palm Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

I am:
A professional builder
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Tiki 30 Tiki 8m Ariki 48
Country, City, and State?
West Palm Beach, Florida
About me or us?
Boatbuilders and Fine Woodworkers
Looking to?
build more boats and sail more

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  • john james

    ahoy boatsmith I'm about to nail down the pod on my 30 foot Tiki I'm wondering if you wouldn't agree with my thoughts. I'm thinking I don't need such a long pod , rather have more cockpit and less pod . There's room for one forward birth across the beam,.Pod structure would still deflect  spray that comes off the bows, also form a  leading-edge for a simple Bimini. Would appreciate your thoughts on this pod plan

  • sailorjoy

    i am just trying to find out how much wind and speed my TIKI 21 can tolerate

  • boatsmith

    Hanneke has done the calculations for windspeed stability on most of their designs. I don't recall exactly where I have seen these. Perhaps in the plans?