john james


Wakefield, RI

United States

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
TIKI 30.

I have also built several trimerans, (an Artie Piver 24', modified 31' and 36', respectively,) a 14' catameran, and sailed/rehabbed a Jim Brown trimeran, among others....

and more recently inspired/contributed my maritime experience for the
Country, City, and State?
US, New England
About me or us?
I have two accounts on this network, (this is my primary,) and a daughter who loves me very much. :)
Looking to?
Carry on

Comment Wall:

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  • Travis

    hi, i saw your post about the tikis for sale, I'm interressted.

    Thank you

  • Travis

    Interested (804)514-1274 or travisk02@gmail
  • Rod McLaren

    Wonderful to hear, John. Thanks for taking the time to follow up. I have yet to get my Mana in the water this season but things are looking up to maybe get there next week, all things going well. Cheers.