Jay Bennett

New Zealand

Profile Information:

I am:
I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Tiki 21
Country, City, and State?
New Zealand, Taupo
About me or us?
just purchased the Tiki 21 which was built in Queenstown by Paul Brimecombe.

Lake Taupo is her new home.
Looking to?
This is my first Wharram but have the dream to gain a larger one to sail blue water with at a later date. A stepping stone you could say.

Comment Wall:

  • Carl

    Welcome Jay. The T21 is a great boat. You will have many hours of fun sailing her. We visit Taupo occassionally and will give you a shout when we're there. Cheers - Carl

  • Jay Bennett

    Hi Carl, thanks.

    I had seen somewhere here comments about your trailer.

    I think you have sold your Wharram now. Do you have a plan for the extendable trailer you had?

    We are looking to have a trailer we can build the tiki on and then float it off from; this will also enable long term storage at Tokaanu in the fenced areas. But still want to be able to pack it up and take it to hauraki Gulf and Bay of Islands.

    Any help would be much appreciated.



  • sailorjoy

    I take the top of a surf mast for my bowsprit and use it for an asymetrical cut spi and for a reacher