


New Zealand

Profile Information:

I am:
I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
12ft Tinny
Ex owner of Wharram Tangaroa Mk IV and Tiki 21
Country, City, and State?
Auckland, New Zealand
About me or us?
Sail when i can.
Looking to?
Circumnavigation to start within 5 years.

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  • sam

    hi carl . have sold my tiki21 ruru i hope you see it out there 1 day. bit sad to see it go but now can put all energy to finishing the t46 cheers.
  • peter logan whitehouse

    hi Carl, i bought Sams tiki 21' Ruru. i will do my best to make the wharram gathering.
  • Wendy Anne Palmer

    Hi, I've been wondering how the Kawau Is hui went as I can't see anything about it on this site. Please refer/link me to any report or let me know.
    Has your tiki sold yet? Sometimes I think of selling my hinemoa as I don't use her much. However, I'm really attached to her (and the work??!!??) and two of my sons also would not like to see her go away.
    I did have 12 gorgeous days on board at Tuhua Dec - Jan. Dolphins on sail out and on my return sail; first there were half a dozen playing at the hulls and on the way home about 50 swam towards me moving fast, surrounded me but did not stop on their mission north. I trust all's well with you and yours.