Hi, I've been wondering how the Kawau Is hui went as I can't see anything about it on this site. Please refer/link me to any report or let me know.
Has your tiki sold yet? Sometimes I think of selling my hinemoa as I don't use her much. However, I'm really attached to her (and the work??!!??) and two of my sons also would not like to see her go away.
I did have 12 gorgeous days on board at Tuhua Dec - Jan. Dolphins on sail out and on my return sail; first there were half a dozen playing at the hulls and on the way home about 50 swam towards me moving fast, surrounded me but did not stop on their mission north. I trust all's well with you and yours.
May 26, 2010
peter logan whitehouse
Jun 28, 2010
Wendy Anne Palmer
Has your tiki sold yet? Sometimes I think of selling my hinemoa as I don't use her much. However, I'm really attached to her (and the work??!!??) and two of my sons also would not like to see her go away.
I did have 12 gorgeous days on board at Tuhua Dec - Jan. Dolphins on sail out and on my return sail; first there were half a dozen playing at the hulls and on the way home about 50 swam towards me moving fast, surrounded me but did not stop on their mission north. I trust all's well with you and yours.
Mar 21, 2011