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Any updates on the tiki 36? Has JWD approved the plans?

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Last we knew the Tiki 36 was to be professionally built only and we were on one when we were in Britain. It looked good to us but was smaller than what we wanted. I am in hopes that it will be made available for home build and perhaps a note directly to James and Hanneke will make that happen. Ann and Nev
The Wharram Tiki 36 is a discontinued design. I have drawn a stretched Tiki 3o and have shared this with Hanneke. She has so far not blessed this. She thinks that a 34 would better fill the gap between the 30 and the 38. The T30 stretched to 36 will be a semi-custom glass composite boat. Whether it will be a Wharram or not is up to James and Hanneke. I plan on building one for myself and anybody else that wants one.
The 34'-36' boat is a tough design. Having owned, built, sailed, and/or lived on a Tiki 30, a Tangaroa MKIV, and a Tiki 38, the mid 30' range is a difficult design to get right.

Most people go to the Tiki 38 or Tangaroa for the standing headroom. However, the Tangaroa, at 35'6" is significantly smaller than the Tiki 38, especially in terms of Beam Overall, bunk space, and general living comfort.

I too would love to see a standing headroom Tiki 34/35, which could be a big seller. Losing the "standing area" of the Tiki 38's forward cabins would be the most likely way to accomplish the task, as well as removing 12" or so from the main cabin areas.

Keeping the beam at the knuckle of the Tiki 38 in a Tiki 34/35 would be most desirable and a possible challenge, along with working out the aesthetics of the tall profile of the Tiki 38 in a shorter design.

A standing headroom Tiki 34/35 would likely only offer a marginal savings (2 - 10%) in total build cost, so makes the Tiki 38 a standout, unless a Tiki 34/35 was offered as a wingsail sloop, which could increase the overall savings to a point where it was a worthwhile build versus the Tiki 38.
Thanks for all the answers. It is good to know that the 36 will be available even if it is under a different name.
The Wharram's designed a Tiki 36 some years ago. They only built 1 or 2 as I understand it. They replaced their 36 with the Tiki 38.

The drawings I sent you were of our version of the Tiki 36. Based on our experience with the Tiki 30 and feedback from numerous Wharram enthusiasts, we developed this version to maintain the great features of the Tiki 30 with added comfort and performance of a larger boat. We are currently working with James Wharram Designs to finalize the design.

Our Tiki 36 design is lightweight for maximum performance, but adds many comfort features that are lacking in the Tiki 30. It meets your criteria for a “robust, fast, light-airs vessel that will safely take me anywhere’.

When designing the 36, we started with the Tiki 30 and added the following upgrades:

Larger Cabins / More Head Room
- The house has been stretched by 1 foot which allows for more space in the galley and nav station and adds 10” more width to the main bunks.
- The sheer is raised by 12" which allows for 6'2" of headroom in the galley and navigation areas at the aft end of each of the hulls and makes the single bunks in the front of the boat considerably more habitable.
- The beam has been increased to 19' 8” allowing for more space in the cockpit and added stability.

Full Marine Head
- We have added a head in the starboard space between beams #3 and #4 and put a small doghouse top port and starboard with a companionway for access to the head to starboard and a storage/ bunk space to port. This added house increases the headroom in these spaces without affecting the sheer line in a negative manner.

Steering Pod
- We added a 4th beam aft of the cockpit with a steering pod centered between the hulls.
- The hard top will facilitate the installation of solar panels
- This pod is designed to allow for a bimini with a roll down enclosure providing weather protection for the helm station
- A complete screen room and/or tent of lightweight nylon can also be added to the bimini at anchor for additional comfort

Other Changes
- We have straightened up the stern post to reduce the rudder drag and put a full battened big roach main on.
- We have installed a forward center plank to accommodate anchor/rode storage and to allow for a retractable sprit for a screecher.

The specs for the Tiki 36 are as follows.
LOA 36'
LWL 32' 6"
BOA 19' 10"
Hull Beam 4' 9"
Draft 2' 6"
Empty weight with motors approx45,500 lbs
Sail Area 650 sq ft working

The motor options are many and varied, based on personal preference. The boat can be powered by one or two outboards ranging from 9.9hp to 20hp. My preference would be two 20 hp Yamahas. When I need to motor, it's nice to be able motor at 10-12 knots versus 6-7.

This boat can be steered by a wind vane or electric auto pilot. However, an issue with wind vane steerage is that when reaching, the apparent wind angle changes dramatically and diminishes the effectiveness of the wind vane. Because of this, many people prefer electric auto pilots

If you are interested in having us build a Tiki 36 for you, we will give you a ‘Hull #1’ discount.
Call me for more details and to discuss your specific requirements.

This design as described is certainly towards the faster side of choices. This is quite a bit more sail area on a higher aspect rig. For those who prefer a more sedate sailing experience we can build this with a smaller wing sail rig. Personally in my immediate future I am not doing any long trade wind passages in the lower oceans of the world. It is rare when I can take 3-4 weeks off at once. So most of my sailing falls into the coastal category. Still it is very nice to have a boat under you that has inherent seaworthiness in its' design. I still love to sail and pull strings and race and pass boats. I also like the ability to load the boat onto a single truck or into a single container and for a few thousand dollars have my boat in another part of the world. At this point in my life it is easier to come up with the cash to ship my boat to Mazatlan than it is for the time to sail it there. Just sayin, David FAST is FUN

Your Tiki 36 design looks very interesting. After having built a Tiki 30 and Tiki 38, I can honestly say that building the Decks, Coach, and Beams for the Tiki 30 is far simpler and time saving than the same on the Tiki 38, and your Tiki 36 design appears to incorporate much of the best of the two designs and then some.

My only two complaints would be the sterns (I am still a Wharramite and prefer the seaworthiness, and inherent relative slowness, of the original designs), and the relative narrowness of the main bunks (having lived and cruised on a Tiki 30 with a family of 4, I can attest from personal experience that a wide and comfortable bunk is much appreciated for any liveaboards.)

I like the design, from a builders standpoint, from a Wharram enthusiasts point of view, and from a multi-Wharram owner/sailors point of view. I hope you get the opportunity to build one. You might have an ORO in the making.
Thanks Sean. I am very excited with the T36. It is actually very similar to the Raka in many ways. We really like the Tiki 30. It is a great sailing boat. We have done reasonably well racing it and is a delightful vessel to spend time on cruising. But I am a boatbuilder and am ready to build my next boat. I want a little more comfort and more speed.
The only change to the stern is the rake angle. There would really be no noticeable difference in the boats seaworthiness. There is still the same amount of flare and just less overhang. If someone prefers the original style sterns and rudders that is fine. We build custom boats.
Regarding the bunks. The main bunks in the 30 are doubles if your in love and it's not too hot. The main bunks in the 36 are 10" wider. The fwd bunks on the 30 are singles that are a little coffin like. The 36 increases the width and provides sitting headroom over the bunk.

I really like everything about this boat. The idea is a great one and I think your rendition of it is spot on. If I were ordering one it would be a wing sail all the way... Would it be possible to do a double mast? Like a schooner or ketch rig? Would that not balance out with the current beam layout? Or is it just a bad idea? I noticed the old 36's were built like that but those were quite different from what you have here. I don't know... I'm not a boat builder.  I like the idea of smaller more manageable sails and just more of them. Also... call me old fashioned but I just love the look of a gaff rigged Wharram. I've raced cats and monos for the past 5 yrs so I understand completely what you are going for.

I don't think your're going to like that square top main when you have to climb up on top of that solid bimini and remove that 45 degree top batten every time you want to put the sail away or completely reef it!  This sure isn't the KISS Method in action . . . 

Wharram is right! His sleeve sail gives you 95% of the sail area and none of the hassel of raising and lowering a main on a bolt rope or even one with slides.

As for shape, I'm using a modified Hobie mast (semi-wing shape)to start with, then the 18 sq. meter main is going to get a Wharram sleeve sewn on. 22-23% of the cord of the sail seem to be the ideal foil shape on a round mast. Again, Wharram is right; I just had the two Hobie 16 masts to play with and splice together.  The Aluminium round tube cost Moe-Knee and I'm cheap!

As for the solid bowsprit, this is a great idea that Derek Kelsall has been using for years (kelsall.com). I've always used 16" as the minimum width for any walkway on a boat. Look at the old Cal 40s (first production open ocean boats that surfed). The Santa Cruz ULDBs all have side deck you can work/walk on.  Unfortunately, when I built my 40 Nari in the late 60s is just used netting . . .  NOT FUN!

You are right about the batten issue. I thought of this after that drawing. I would use just a big roach main. Taking in / setting sail easily are  biggies with me. I like a lot of sail area and don't mind reefing.  This  36' could be built any way a body wanted it. We will build a mold that for the hulls that will fall in between the Tiki 8 meter at 26'  and the Ariki at 47'. We can provide hulls only all the way to finely fitted yachts of many flavors. The drawing represents some of my thoughts about how I would build this boat for my self. I cruise for  week or two at a time in the South FL and Bahamas and do some coastal racing. I would also like a boat I could do some ocean racing in such as the Miami-Nassau, Miami-Jamaica, Tampa to Isla Mujeres. These boats are amazing in what they can in how little water and how comfortable you can be. I will have a boat that it is possible to sail fast and cruise in some of the best places in the world.

I own one of the two tiki 36's that were professionally built in the uk. Pelican is going strong and I'm currently working through a a mini refit. Ive had some inspiration from your bimini frame for the smaller tiki you built and have just had one built in 316 - so thanks! Good luck with your build. If I can help please free free to get in touch. Matt. www.yachtpelican.com



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