Wharram Builders and Friends

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Yesterday the paper work was completed for the sale of Peace IV to her new owners.  They are a young couple from Costa Rica who have the youth, strength, and balance to be able to live and  sail on Peace similar to what we have done in the past.  We are just delighted for our boat to have them and wish all a long and happy life on the ocean.

I will be reading here from time to time and it will be a pleasure to see boats completed and launched and friends of ours joining the people of the sea.

Happy sailing! 

Ann and Nev

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Cabin boy sends his regards and best wishes to the new owners who were lucky enough to have inherited your wonderful catamaran PEACE . They were fortunate to acquire her. Happy new year to all.


I wish the new owners well,I hope the love the boat just as Ann and Nev obviously did.

Congrats to both!

Congratulations on the sale, and welcome to the new owners to the Wharram family! Best wishes to you and Nev, thanks for all your very useful advice and encouraging words over the years!

Congratulations guys!

Where are they/you/Peace now?

Are you coming down the ICW ?

We've missed Peace and would like to see her one more time.

Thank you Nev and Ann for all the memories.

jim and nonie

The new owners have been told to stop in Titusville and meet all of you folks associated with Follower.  I hope they do. I always wanted those two boats to meet.   

The new owners are Tom and Marlene and they are heading for their home in Costa Rica where Peace IV will be used as a ferry boat and charter.  He was a fisherman in Britain and, while they know about power boats, they have not had a lot of sailing experience.  So they started things off rather boldly by leaving Morehead City here in North Carolina and sailing directly non stop just off the coast overnight to Charleston South Carolina.  The boat is teaching them as they get acquainted with her, and it seems to be working.  They love Peace and they are young and energetic.  I hope they will stop and meet you in Titusville, and I am sure you will enjoy meeting them if they do.  

Nev is not able to sail on Peace IV now because of his balance problems and I was not comfortable leaving Nev behind.  John James and I considered sailing with them at least as far as Titusville, but finally he decided to do other things and I decided to stay with Nev.  Peace has new owners and she is not my boat now.  She must make her life with them and they with her.  My time on Peace IV is over.

Today we went looking for our next boat but did not find her yet.  I think we will come see you, Jim and Nonie, on our way look at the boat I spoke to Tom about. We miss your whole family.  Will you love us without Peace IV?

Ann and Nev

Hello Anne and Nev

We are happy to know you have sold Peace4 and she is in new good young hands.

I hope you'll find soon the sailing boat the more appropriate for you now.

We are again on board Grand PHA in New Zealand since one month with our NZ grand children on board.

Love, Bertrand and Marie-Helene

Hello Bertran and Marie-Ellen,

The young new owners of Peace IV are on their way to Costa Rica and feel right at home.  Peace IV must be happy to be back playing with the wind again and I am glad she has their youth and energy to guide her in further adventures.

We may be old, but we are not done yet!  We just needed a more age appropriate boat now that Nev's balance is unreliable and we are both a little less athletic.  We are in the process of buying our next boat and Tuesday is the survey and sea trials.  It looks good and maybe Peace V (Peace at Last?) will be ours on Wednesday.  A motor sailor which does not require Nev to go on deck where he is likely to fall over the side.  He will be safe but still able to handle sails with all lines led aft to the pilot house and there are two GPSs so he will be navigating too.  My eyes are better so I will continue at the helm.  But I think either one will be able to stand watch alone if we also stay in age appropriate waters.  

We fondly remember the sea kindly ways of our Tiki 46 in severe Force 10 weather offshore.  We still thrill with the memory of 5 ocean crossings between us, and cuddling on Peace IV's foredeck after lunch most days on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic - lovely memories.  More mental photographs than could ever come out of a digital camera.

Now we will be coastal cruisers in protected waters or only in near shore waters in settled conditions.  But we will still be out there and welcome Wharrams to visit us on Peace V.  Just look for a Cape Dory 300MS with an Ocean Cruising Club port captain flag (flying fish) as well as a Wharram flag.  Always stop in Oriental, N.C. and keep us posted on your progress.  

Grand children aboard with your beautiful wife and incredible boat - ahhhh!  Bertran, it has all come true for you, my friend.  The long hours of building, the getting used to Grand PHA's mysterious ways, the adjustment to ocean living... it takes time to settle in to that life style even if it is a dream come true.  Many congratulations to you and all of your family who helped build the boat full of imagination combined with engineering on a Wharram base.

Love always!  Ann and Nev

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