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Can I leave the pumps on the epoxy containers over a longer period of time or should I remove the pumps and close the containers after each use?

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"longer period of time" is a relative term. Do you mean weeks, months, or years?

Yes, sorry I was not clear. In my case I am guessing that I will finish this stock of resin and hardener in the next 6 months or earlier.

Leave the pumps in.

I left mine in for over a year and they were fine.  Leave a cup under them though, as they can drip slightly, especially if the temperature changes a lot.

I left the pumps on the jugs of my Raka epoxy for 7+ years while life intervened with my boatbuilding, and they're pumping as good as new now.  The epoxy is still curing as good as new as well, as I've been experimenting on various projects with it for the last 6 months before putting any of it on the Tiki.

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