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I've just taken my Tiki 21 out of the water for the winter. Looking at recent damage and general condition, I'm considering building new central decks. i.e. transom section and two outer sections. I have the originals, but they have splits and the stringers are separating in places.

Should I build new desk as direct copies of the originals in every respect, or are there some recommended improvements?

For example, is the underside best covered with epoxy and a woven cloth? Should the edges be reinforced?

I don't have copies of the plans, so I'm wondering what the processes are for gluing on the stringers etc.

Any advice/thoughts would be well received.

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Clean up and dry out all damaged areas. Re glue using epoxy. Get back in the water and GO SAILING. If you think this will not suffice post photos of damaged areas so all of us can give our possibly contradictory advice...Be aware that boats taken ashore for improvements may NEVER get back in the water .. or at least not in original ownership......Was almost there myself.........

Thanks, I'll get some photos. I'm thinking about building new decks but may be I should patch. I suspect that some of the deck ply has been frost damaged. My foot when through the back near the engine hole. The ply seems quite brittle. I'm only talking about the flat play decks between the hulls.

I only bought the boat this year. I also bought a mooring and new engine. So there's plenty of motivation to get back in the water asap. But thanks for the warning ... point taken.

OK Ian none of us can be sailing all the time repairs do have to be done -

This brittleness in the ply I have seen before I always blamed it on condensation. While we see condensation on the surface it actually forms in the heart of the ply and pure distilled water is very corrosive. Any boat for temperate climes should be insulated and very well ventilated.

I would not expect this problem in an open structure like your decks but how do we know how they were stored in the past ? Also any flat horizontal surface over water in still air will probably collect condensation.

Check if the problem is widespread. Be quite ruthless. No point doing the work if you do not have 100% confidence after. 3 good brush coats of epoxy will seal all moisture out a layer of glass cloth will stop any checking if your ply is prone to this.

There must be suggestions for alternative deck / cockpit arrangements I am a little surprised owners have not come forward. This design was new in the early '90's perhaps check the download for the Seapeople / sailorman magazine of the PCA  for that period there is a link for it on this site or just google it.

Perhaps if you relaunched the discussion under "New Cockpit" you might get the attention of some more members.

Friend request also sent.

Thanks Galway, helpful as ever. I'm erring more and more toward building new decks. I've costed good marine ply, epoxy and some oak/mahogany sections at about £200. The construction is not too tricky. This looks to be the better option when I consider the labour and materials required to renovate the existing decks. One outer section needs new ribs with epoxy fillets on the underside . The centre deck need a complete rebuild around the engine well.

The cost/benefit of renovate/replace balances out to around the same effort, with rebuild being more cost but a far better result.

I found this picture which gives me a good guide to the task at hand

Suggestion Ian -

West is very good BUT unfortunately seriously over priced in EU /UK. Very fine epoxies are available at 30% cost. Epoxy is now routinely used for supermarket floors / sterile rooms in hospitals /++++. Check your local area for "Specialist Surfacing Contractor" or similar. This source has yielded me excellent results - even a hydroscopic epoxy for winter use that has a long pot life but sets quickly OUT of the pot in cold / damp conditions.

Thereby turning everything I thought I knew upside down.

I have used WEST and also perhaps 5 or more others [ maybe even 10 ? ]. WEST seem to be in some kind of cartel in UK /EU to inflate the price as "Yachting Product".

When I can buy it at prices similar to USA I will reconsider. But even then........These people have never done me any favours ..........far from it............

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