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saw on another forum crew.org.nz that a wharram had capsized in the bay of islands, solo with gusts to 50 kts, not sure what size wharram but would think perhaps a 21 ft. anyone know about it?

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Hi, the said Pahi 52 was built by Seascape-Asia from Gunther Nutt. Her owner, George Gritsis a professional charter entrepreneur (Archipel Club - Greece) and a Greek sailing legend, was sailing her in all conditions, also when other charter boats were locked in harbours due to the hard blowing meltemi. I don'tknwo why he's selling, Hecate is a top class boat. See the foto.

boatsmith said:
I would sure like to see the picture of the Pahi 52 with one hull up as i imagine that others would. David
Not a singular event, people. For those who understand German, go http://www.austrian-wharrams.org/main_menu/wharrams_and_wind.htm - that´s the source of these pics shot at Lake Neusiedl/Austria in what is reported as a force 5 to 6. Lake Neusiedl is 30 nautical miles long but only 5 to 8 ft deep, therefore capsizes aren´t the drama they are elsewhere. But it once again proves that you can capsize ANY boat, given favourable conditions and consequent abuse.

Yea - this is correct!
That is a sobering photo. Thanks for the post. Reef early and often. Ann and Nev
High school German was 50 years ago, but I think that was a Pahi 26 that capsized. Right? Ann and Nev
Ann and Neville Clement said:
High school German was 50 years ago, but I think that was a Pahi 26 that capsized. Right? Ann and Nev

Right, Ann and Nev. Text n the page states that the Pahi flipped without any previous warning indicators and that except for a lost hatch cover no significant damage occured (Lucky SOBs, because in Lake Neusiedl, dismasting is pretty frequent in capsize situatons!). Below the photos you will find a short summary of JWD´s early 1980 discussion of static vs. dynamic stability, which in my opinion is moot in this special case, because of the very special characteristics of this lake:
Without knowing any details my educated guess based on some 20 dinghy capsizes in Lake Neusiedl is that this might in reality have been a ground contact event: In a force six Lake Neusiedl (again - 5 to 8 ft. deep, but with up to 30nm fetch!) produces what is likely the ugliest wave on the planet - super short, super steep, and with very little water left between the wave tops. Friend of mine once lost not only the rudder of his O.K. dinghy, including tiller, but the whole(!!!) stern of the boat attached to it on that damn lake, The whole stern section got torn off when his ruder stuck in the mud after surfing down a wave in a force six. Therefore my guess is leeward bow stuck in the or dragging through the mud, which is as capsize-inducing as getting a bow stuck in a wave. But again, I wasn´t there, am only guessing...

Kia Ora, There are some fantastic coincidences in this world. I recently purchased a Tiki 21 from a guy in Auckland and as a first time multihull owner am doing the research -- turns out the boat we have purchased is Ruru, the subject of this discussion. And the boat is coming back close to the BOI. We are based in Whangaruru. Thanks for the contributions to this topic as we have a young family and am especially interested in how to NOT capsize the boat!

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