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No more cavitation! Amazing improvement over long shaft on standard Tiki 21 setup. Highly recommended.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 205

Comment by kim whitmyre on March 15, 2015 at 1:45pm

The extra 5" on the leg of the SailPro models is definitely worth it!  The fact that the 4-strokes run so much quieter doesn't hurt either.

Comment by Ian Bamsey on March 15, 2015 at 3:44pm

Wow Roger, that looks the part. It looks high up, how much more depth does this give you over your old Honda? I have dropped my transom 6 inches to get my Honda deep enough, which creates some compromises. I look forward to hear about your adventures.

Comment by Roger on March 16, 2015 at 11:38am

The prop is 5" deeper. I can't believe how much difference it makes. I can now plough through chop standing on the front beam, and it won't ventilate. It also has a lower gearing and a bigger prop with a smaller pitch which also probably helps a lot.

Comment by Ian Bamsey on March 16, 2015 at 11:48am

Ok, my prop is around the same depth as yours then. I don't get any cavitation and it work very well with the Honda BF5 LS. However, I was only able to achieve this with as I completely rebuilt the platforms and transom. My (slight) disadvantage is the box (which is now bigger and has a hatch in the deck for storage) is lower to the sea and can get slapped sometimes.


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