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Hello, I've just joined day's after buying a tanenui/tiki hybrid from Scott Brown Multihulls if you want to see photos of her she's still advertised on his brokerage list but with a sold sign added. I'm 58 and married to Linda. I've owned several boats over the years but only one cat a Heavenly Twins 26 which I owned from 1991-1993 I know many people in the multihull business, I knew Pat Patterson his son Pip from Multihull centre Millbrook. Know Brian North founder of multihull world in Emsworth and many still at Multihull World my mooring on the river Exe I bought off Brian North. I was looking on this site at the discussion about what to look for in a Tanenui, and wondered if the guy viewing one that had under deck storage forward of the mast was based at faversham UK if so this is the boat I've bought she looks great to my eyes and yes I was concerned at several lowered areas along the deck but the last owner stated there were no problems with waves touching and lots of clearance. She is modified being 9 meteres long by 4.5 metres with Tiki cross beams and cabin tops, altered to give full standing headroom, decks (no bulwarks) and tiki rig except also having a boom. The last owner was 82 and has lived on boats most his life and even built a Wharram cat and several monohulls his workmanship is superb he added an aft cockpit with all controls close to hand which he was most pleased with as the added protection is essential in the UK, he is even helping me sail her around to Devon in April so I feel he wouldn't offer to do that if his modifications don't work in practice or she slams at all. I will be posting some photos later Cheers Nibby David

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Hi Nibby

congratulations on your new boat - it looks roomy. I see you'll be keeping it on the Exe, which is where I am - red Tiki 26 named "Scat". There are a few Wharrams on the Exe and last year we even had a gathering!! See you on the water.


Hi Nick, I have seen a red Tiki 26 shooting about, you wouldn't by any chance be ashore next to the Pahi 42 Dolly's Pride in the Exmouth car park leased by Mark Sansom of MS Marine? The Exe is lovely but I have had two horrendous seasons with my Halcyon 23 and figure that even if this year is as bad I'll get a lot more any weather sailing with wharram cat, simply from the ease at getting on and off the mooring. Just had contact with one of the original builder of my boat, the deckline silhoutte should be like a Tiki 26 but as you can see a later builder fitted bubbles to increase headroom, anything will spoil the Tiki lines but I think on ballance the alteration and others work well on Tacenui Mae, really looking forward to a meet I think Iv'e seen photos prooving the Exe a popular Wharram meeting ground. Cheers Nibby Tacenui Mae

Hi Galway Bay, Scat & Reg, just taken my wife up to Faversham to view Tacenui Mae (forerly Jayar) the Tanenui/Tiki hybrid. Whilst there I took some wave clearance bridgedeck measurements. She does have in excess of 24" storage pod/bridgedeck clearance above waterline. Aren't they deceptive boats, I can't think of another boat that can look smaller ashore than when onboard, she really is quite substantial in on deck volume I've really fallen for her and am looking forward to bringing her around to the River Exe.

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