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Hi, I am currently in the process of sourcing aluminium tubes for masts for my Tiki 38. Two 11m long tubes 140mm dia 4mm wall thickness is too small order to process. If anyone would be interested to join in we could place a bigger order and get them made. This would also get the price down. I am based in Poland. Shipping to elsewhere could get organized I suppose.

I will probably need them Spring 2015 as the boat is still being built. So there is still plenty of time to get everything organized.

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Hello All,

Sorry for keeping quiet ..... I have been away from the country and building all winter and just got back to it last month...

I am getting back to trying to source these tubes which is proving to be a pain.... so far I only got one reply but it is not satisfactory enough as the minimum order is 1000kg = 20 tubes (140mm x 4mm x10.5m long made in marine grade alloy 6082, T6) the price is 5 euro per kg (works out to be about 250 euro per tube)

I will try to get more quotes and will see what i can sort out.

If anything... please let me know your thoughts as I realize it has been a long time since we last spoke.

All the best.


Salut a vous

Offre de 2014 ci-jointe


I'm  still interested too. please let me know the price.

Luk said:

Nice one. I will try to get the price next week and let you know.

roux olivier said:


Suivant le prix ok pour moi pour 3.


Hi there,

I am looking for some! Could you kindly tell me where you bought them from?

Hi there!

I have contacted two companies, Aalco in the UK and a company here in Greece.

They both can supply me with 11m, 140mm outer diameter, 5mm wall thickness, alloy 6082, tempered T6 tubes.

Price seems reasonable but I need to take 8. I would like to have two. Anyone interested?



Je serai intéressé par trois. Pouvez vous communiquer le prix?


Aalco quoted me GBP 4,131.60, without shipping, for 8.
The company in Greece (on the phone, haven't gotten a written quote yet) asked 3000 Euro, 24% VAT and shipping to be added. Again for 8.

I will write and call the company in Greece again.
I propose we divide the material price by eight and each takes his part of shipping costs.

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