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Tiki 26. Delta anchor. How heavy should it be?

 is the beam the best place to fix the anchor rope at the boat?

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I plan to use a 22 lb. Delta for my primary anchor on my Tiki 26. I used this anchor on a 26-foot monohull with a displacement of 5600 lbs. and it worked fine in a variety of conditions. It should hold the Tiki 26 with no problem. I think the next smaller size, 14 lbs. is too light. The anchor will be stowed in a custom-built roller/cradle on the forward beam, but when in use will be cleated with a bridle arrangement made fast to cleats I am installing on the forward decks forward of the front beam.
can you post some pictures?
I just took this one yesterday, with the anchor temporarily tied in place and the anchor roller assembly just tacked together on the unfinished front beam. The roller housing will be filleted and glassed in place when the beam is glassed. This is the 22 lb. Delta to give you an idea of the size and how it fits. There will be a hardwood chock to receive the shank and a cleat to tie it off securely when sailing. More details can be found on my blog.

great. I've got exactly the same anchor and this sistem looks fine. And where is the best place to fix the anchor-rope while achoring? Around the beam

I put my anchor in a different position but it works

adriano meis said:
great. I've got exactly the same anchor and this sistem looks fine. And where is the best place to fix the anchor-rope while achoring? Around the beam

I will be installing a sturdy mooring cleat on each foredeck about a foot aft of the stem. I use a bridle method for anchoring, but do so by letting out enough scope on the main anchor rode, which is cleated to one side, then attaching a short piece of line from the other side using a rolling hitch. The two lines can the be adjusted from on deck to set the bridle as long or short as you want it, depending on conditions. It worked great for me on my Tiki 21 I had before.
"I will be installing a sturdy mooring cleat on each foredeck about a foot aft of the stem. I use a bridle method for anchoring, but do so by letting out enough scope on the main anchor rode, which is cleated to one side, then attaching a short piece of line from the other side using a rolling hitch. The two lines can the be adjusted from on deck to set the bridle as long or short as you want it, depending on conditions. It worked great for me on my Tiki 21 I had before." This is the same set-up as on our TIKI 30 and it works very well. David

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