Wharram Builders and Friends

A Photo & Discussion Forum for Wharram Design Enthusiasts

In my last post, I mentioned that Peace would be for sale this spring.  Well, now she is so if you are interested, please contact me right away.  Next week we will sign up with a broker and he charges 8%.

Neville and I have been working over the winter to clear our things out of Peace IV and we are impressed with the carrying capacity of the boat and the hoarding ability of ourselves!  The boat came up about 4 or 5 inches and, although she always had a good turn of speed, I would expect her to be quite fast now!  The bilges were epoxy coated from new according to the plans and then varnished so it has been interesting and reassuring to see them empty again, all in good shape, and about as they were back in the building shed.

The price will be $134,950 US which is what you and I would call 135k.  Peace is at the dock currently while we continue cleaning and doing little odd jobs and enjoying the pleasant warm sunshine and good friends we have met here at the marina.  This is Peace's first time at a marina since her launch back in 2002 and we must admit is quite pleasant and sociable.  It is a rural location up a river and around the corner in a small creek here in Eastern North Carolina.

We had planned to sail Peace south as usual for the winter last autumn, but discovered that Nev's balance was not good enough for him to do any deck work with the boat in motion and I am not prepared to single hand such a large boat at my age.  We did have over 50,000 safe and enjoyable miles and lots of fun living aboard so we really can't complain.  It is fortunate that we now have a house we can live in full time now and when Peace sells, we will buy a smaller boat that I can single hand and that has a pilot house for Nev to keep safe in while he navigates.  Nothing is permanent in this life and we do enjoy this part of our lives and just want to be safe and laid back now.  Nev is pushing 80.  I think something around 30 feet will be best.  Maybe a sailboat and maybe not.  We will see.  We start Tai Chi classes tomorrow to improve his balance so he will be safe aboard and able to use the dinghy safely.

The list of equipment is long and so I will just highlight a few things here:

     New Pro Furl roller furler for the head sail 2014

     New sail cover (Stack Pack style) 2014

     New halyards 2014

     New electric panel 2014

     New battery for windlass 2014

     New mattress owner's cabin 2014

As far as we know, Peace is structurally sound, but she does need paint.  We had planned to paint Peace in the Bahamas last year, but had to quit because of a family problem. Then we did not go south this year either.  So if you can just wield a paint brush, this would be a good deal for someone who does not want to build the whole boat.  I am quite sure you could not build a Tiki 46 using okume (gaboon) marine plywood and all top grade materials ready to cross an ocean for 135 thousand dollars today.  Just the materials would cost that much and still, you would have to paint your home built boat.  So save yourself some work and buy this one and paint it.

The sails were overhauled 2014 and are in very good condition, the engines are four years old and reliable 20 hp Yamahas, and there are all LED lights, the blocks are mostly Garhauer and the shackles are mostly Wichard.  A fine Monitor windvane is on her stern with a clever set up for maintaining compass setting. A powerful autohelm works fine from the wheel. There is an 80 pound Monson Supreme anchor, 200 ft 5/16 high test chain and about 200 ft multiplait nylon rode backing that.  The windlass is Ideal and was custom made for our boat.  There is a 60 pound  secondary anchor and similar chain and rode.  A deck water collection works fine.  Four AGM 105Ah house - engine batteries are fed by four large solar panels.  A refrigerator - freezer has its own battery, regulator, and two large solar panels.  Many spares. 

Registered in UK therefor European Union VAT paid.  Also US duty paid.  So this boat already has two "passports".

I could go on and on, but if you are interested, just contact us and let us show you the boat. 


All the best,  Ann and Nev

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Good luck with the sale!

I know that there are quite a few sailors out there who would love a Tiki 46, and at this price I suggest that they get their wallets out quickly and beat a path to your door!  

 Even needing new paint, at this price I don't think she will be for sale for long...



Nev and I just watched, yet again, the wonderful video that Jacque's son, Alex, made of Peace IV sailing together with Pilgrim the day after her launch and that great party Jacques threw to celebrate the end of the building of Pilgrim and the beginning of her life at sea.  It was a day of joy to see Pilgrim come out into the Atlantic with the sun and wind just perfect. And, of course, Nev and I will forever treasure this film showing Peace IV strut her stuff.  Pilgrim was at empty weight and Peace was carrying all her cruising gear.  Now Peace IV is empty and getting ready for sale.  It would be good fun to see how she sails now!  We are embarrassed to say Peace came up about 4  or 5 inches when we got her emptied out!

You can see "Sunrise Sail" available to click on here at this website on the home page.  The music seems right too.Bravo Alex!   

All the best,

Ann and Nev

How much could you allow me on a trade-in I've got a Hobie 18 I've got a three quarters built tiki 30 I've got  4or5 Dingies.

Oh John,

     I wish we could just give you Peace IV because so many of our memories are of the times you came sailing with us, like that long spinnaker ride down Long Island Sound, or the time you got her up on a wave and kept her there for hours, all the various places you found to catch some sun out of the wind, all those wonderful times.  Yes, it is hard to part with our boat, but mostly it is hard to part with the great place we spent playing with good friends.  Ann

My wife and I current live aboard a trawler in NZ but have been longing to get back to our Wharram past for some time.  We will be in the US for several months from around June and would love to have a look at Peace, assuming she has not sold.  If you have any photos for us to look at that would keep us going until we can get there.

Best regards

Pete "MV Hobo", Auckland New Zealand

Hi Pete,

     There are lots of pics of Peace IV right here on Wharram Builders and Friends.  Just clic on my name or go to members and click there.  I never learned how to post pics so all these pics are taken by others and posted for me. 

     There is a video taken by Jacques son, Alex and it is of Jacques boat Pilgrim (Tiki 38) sailing in company with our boat and you can see that we are sailing fast and easy.  The name of the video is Sunrise Sail and it can be seen on Jacques page on this site. There are more pics on Tiki46.com and also on the Wharram Designs website. There are lots of folks on this site who have sailed with us and might be reading this.  Perhaps some of you will post a reply here with pics for Pete. The broker was around on Saturday and he took lots of pics for his advertisements so I will soon be able to post a link to him.

     We hope to meet you, Pete.  I just hope Peace will find folks who love her as much as we do. 

     Ann and Nev

Thanks Anna and Nev,

I will take a look at the media on this site and also be very interested in the listing when the broker has it ready.  We loved our last Wharram, "Oystercatcher", hence we want to return to the fold.

Best regards


Dear Ann and Nev,

Theresa and I would love to see Peace IV, even if already sold. If this is not yet the case, so much the better, as we have been looking for a larger Tiki for some time now. We live close to where you are now moored (Eastern North Carolina) and could stop by during the weekend of April 25 & 26. Long ago, I build a little Hitia 14 which is, of course, tiny, yet sufficient to know that we prefer sailing over building.  As I approach retirement, old dreams are re-emerging and Peace IV might become part of it. It would be wonderful if we could visit, even if only for an hour or two, without wanting to impose on you. It would also be a treat to met you and hear a little bit of your (sailing) story. Happy to chat (202-4928131).

With best regards - Severin 

Severin and I got down in the dinghy today and he helped me measure from the water line to the chine.  We measured six and a half inches.  Our plans are somewhere in the house here but after our move last summer to this house and then moving all our stuff off of the boat, I am not sure where those plans are now.   If anyone has their plans for the Tiki 46 handy by, please look and tell me how high your boat rides in the water.  I believe this is pretty high in the scheme of things and it would be because Peace was built of Gaboon or Okume plywood which is marine ply and very light but strong.  It is more expensive but catamarans like it better if they can ride higher on the water where the forces of the waves are reduced.  They can also sail faster then.  But most important to me, they look better.

I may not have said before, but Peace is duty paid here in America but also has paid her Value Added Tax (VAT) in England which covers her for all the European Union.  Like having a dual passport.


Hi Ann,

sent you an email to your yahoo adress with details waterline to chine stringer ......

All the best


Thanks for the information, Jean-Paul.  I was just assuming that the law treated boats like it does people.  I have two passports and did not need to give up my US passport when I got my British one. 


Demi and Dirk,

     Thanks for sending that clip from the plans, but I do not see the part where the height of the chine from the water would indicate the weight of the boat.  Perhaps I misremember....  Peace has her gas tanks full and the galley and head water tanks full but is otherwise empty.  She was never weighed empty because we moved aboard a few weeks before launch so we are curious about her empty weight.


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