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I have noticed here that one of the healthiest communities here, is also one of the nations poorest, the Sea People.

On the streets of the NCR (National Capital Region)you see the poorest of the poor, the Street People both suffering from sickness and malnutrition. On the other end of the scale you see the pale and pasty middle class, avoiding the sun, constantly living in their air conditioned lives, breathing recycled air, suffering from Vitamin D deficiency, boarder line obesity and all the problems that go with it.

The Sea People however are a community that lives on their boats, they do a bit of fishing, diving and transport. When the work is there they work hard and when it is not, they relax. Sometimes they get to eat and sometimes they don’t but when they do it’s usually a feast of fish and rice washed down with brandy and coconut wine.

Here’s why: Mankind was never designed to eat 3 square meals a day with snacks in between, we were once hunter gatherers, sometimes we ate sometimes we didn’t and this lifestyle was far healthier than the one we have now.

Here’s the science bit:
Sirtuin 1 is a survival gene found in all mammals including us, when we go without food for a while it kicks into gear. Its job is to protect and repair cells. It prevents cells from dying prematurely and repairs the damage done by free radicals
Sirtuin 1 also produces mitochondria, which is in effect energy for cell structure and regrowth. As a result it can greatly add to our life span.
It can benefit weight loss by inhibiting fat storage and increasing metabolism. It can also slow the aging process by reducing the risk of age-related diseases and health threats, including heart attack and stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and osteoporosis.

However those of us who are fortunate enough “to never go hungry”, never get to switch this wonder gene “on”. Hence we pay the price with our health further down the line. There is a lot to be learnt from how people live in a developing world, so the next time you’re feeling a little peckish, before you reach for the snack drawer spare a thought for those less fortunate than you, and learn to go without for a while.
It may add years to your life.

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Interesting, I was listening to a talk on the wireless the other day about diabetes in India amongst rural people.Now you would think a lot of exercise,mostly vegetable diet etc would negate the risk of diabetes, turns out the low birth weight of babies has something to do with it. Another programme was talking about the ''ice man'' they found in the Alps, turns out this guy from the bronze age had heart disease.

I wonder how much genetic make up has to do with all of this.The modern western diet is a horror.Believe me i know.

eat when you're hungry , drink when you're dry , and if a tree don't fall on you , you'll live 'till you die. (anon)

I'm a rambler I'm a gambler I'm a long way from home,

   and if you don't like me , just leave me alone.

I eat when I'm hungry and I drink when I'm dry,

  and if moonshine don't kill me I'll live till I die !

nice one chuck  :D

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