Please man!!! Post some more pictures!!! more pictures!! Great boat! Congratulations you are really on the path. I'would love to see more pictures, could you send me?
Thanks,if youcanlove thethingsI loveOgopogo.Sheis made offiberglassand sandwich.The drawings aremodifiedafter talkswith JamesWharram.Shehas notsaileda singlenauticalmilbutmy hope is thatwecansail herto Londonand theOlympicsnext year.I would love tosail herto JamesWharramand showher.The ideais also tokeep heras light as possibleto createsuch goodsailingcharacteristicsas possible.She hasa mastwhich I thinkis about5.17meterslong andit isas ifabout 100square meterssails.I also have agennakerset on thedownwindwhichis 110square meters.Gettingsetgennakerand justlet herstretchaway overthe waves.
Sheisin principlequiteclear with respect tothe interior, 4cabinswith separate toiletand 4berthsin the bowandthe stern.The sailsare completelyunused, and I havenot yetmountedFurlexrollers.I also haveto tightenup the netsand screw thewooden slats.She hasunfortunatelybeen injuredwhen shewaslyingata piervarföförlittleplasticjobmust be done.100 hours ofworkand then weweigh anchorfor newhorizons.Idoprepareherfor the winter andthen I cantake somenew pictures ofhowshelooks today! Best regards Erik
Comment Wall (4 comments)
Please man!!! Post some more pictures!!! more pictures!! Great boat! Congratulations you are really on the path. I'would love to see more pictures, could you send me?
Chrees man!
She is in principle quite clear with respect to the interior, 4 cabins with separate toilet and 4 berths in the bow and the stern. The sails are completely unused, and I have not yet mounted Furlex rollers. I also have to tighten up the nets and screw the wooden slats.She has unfortunately been injured when she was lying at a pier varföför little plastic job must be done. 100 hours of work and then we weigh anchor for new horizons. I do prepare her for the winter and then I can take some new pictures of how she looks today!
Best regards
Hello Erik, looks like you built a fantastic boat there! Your post is quite some years ago.
What happened since then? I would like to get in touch because I am planning to build a Tehini myself after I finished a HITIA 14 in late 2016.
Kind regards, Fabian
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