Wendy Anne Palmer


New Zealand

Profile Information:

I am:
I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Hinemoa 23'
Country, City, and State?
New Zealand
About me or us?
Launched co-owned "Kapai" pahi 31' 1982 - 1989
Co-owned "Ika Roa" Narai IV 1990 - 1998
Own "Waka Rua" 2005 - now on hard until family take her over.
Looking to?
Sail on other multihulls including Hamish & Ambers' "Mareva" when possible.
Available to crew this summer!

Comment Wall:

  • Carl

    Hi Wendy! Great to hear from you!

    I've been rather slack at getting things together for the meet we had at Kawau in January. We had a great time, but sadly I had to leave early as I started a new job in January. By the time I left, there were 4 Wharrams closely anchored to each other, and I believe another 3(?) arrived shortly afterwards. My partner and her son joined me for 2 nights at Kawau, which was a big step in the right direction!

    I have not sold my Tiki 21 as yet. I'm reluctant to part with her as she is such a fantastic boat! I beached her on saturday and put a new coat of antifoul on and a general tidy up, and dream of a trip out to Barrier- when time allows.

    Glad you're well, and keep in touch!


  • wakataitea

    hallo wendy,

     can you give me some news about ontong java. Don told me have she got a new deck etc.

    cheers hans