thomas w deane

90, Male


United States

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Fisher Freward 25, building wharram RAKA
Country, City, and State?
About me or us?
been involved with multihulls since the early 60s. starting with piver in the bay area. NWmultihulls early 70s to presant. building this raka since 1997. lived on a 36ft notingham , a piver loadstar dirative from 1977 to 1991, sailed to SE alaska 1984-85.
Looking to?
Finishing RAKA before i expire

Comment Wall:

  • thomas w deane

    First mate pictured. ready to connect
  • Brian

    Thomas, She looks great, wish I had seen this 2 weeks ago beore I was in Seattle...
  • SIEJA Edouard

    Hi, my name is Edward and I am very interested in building a RAKA, and I want to see your way to build but you have published 6 photos that are there or you have a endrois published others for I see your procedure.
    more I have a plan of study but it seems a little simplistic etje see you have put the beam model from the one he is on TIKI30 and other TIKI

    Thank you in advance for answering my questions.
    I join my email:

    Thank you in advance
    Edouard Sieja