Robbie Huston

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Narai MK IV
Country, City, and State?
Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada
About me or us?
I'm a retired aircraft technician building his dream boat. My wife, Mary, is my enthusiastic supporter in this project.
Looking to?
Cruise the Pacific coast of Canada for a few years. After that, who knows?

Comment Wall:

  • Don Brazier

    Hi Robbie
    It has been good to watch your progress on your web site having been through the same process building my Narai IV called Katipo.
    Let me know if I can be of any help, I can certainly tell you what did not work and what I modified !
    Don Brazier
  • Don Brazier

    Hi Robbie , I may be in Vancouver Island in August and would be keen to call by and see your boat. Would that be convenient ?
  • Robbie Huston

    Hi Don,
    Mary and I would be very keen to meet you, to show you where we're at in our build, and to hear more about Katipo. It's always fun to meet a fellow Wharram enthusiast; there don't seem to be many of us around. By the way, I'm sorry I didn't respond to your previous comment last August. I just missed it altogether. let me know your travel plans and I can perhaps assist with accommodation when you're here. There are two other big Wharrams under construction on Gabriola Island right now, one of them another Narai MK IV. I could organize a tour, if you're interested.