Hi Robbie
It has been good to watch your progress on your web site having been through the same process building my Narai IV called Katipo.
Let me know if I can be of any help, I can certainly tell you what did not work and what I modified !
Don Brazier
Hi Don,
Mary and I would be very keen to meet you, to show you where we're at in our build, and to hear more about Katipo. It's always fun to meet a fellow Wharram enthusiast; there don't seem to be many of us around. By the way, I'm sorry I didn't respond to your previous comment last August. I just missed it altogether. let me know your travel plans and I can perhaps assist with accommodation when you're here. There are two other big Wharrams under construction on Gabriola Island right now, one of them another Narai MK IV. I could organize a tour, if you're interested.
Don Brazier
It has been good to watch your progress on your web site having been through the same process building my Narai IV called Katipo.
Let me know if I can be of any help, I can certainly tell you what did not work and what I modified !
Don Brazier
Aug 19, 2015
Don Brazier
Feb 2, 2016
Robbie Huston
Mary and I would be very keen to meet you, to show you where we're at in our build, and to hear more about Katipo. It's always fun to meet a fellow Wharram enthusiast; there don't seem to be many of us around. By the way, I'm sorry I didn't respond to your previous comment last August. I just missed it altogether. let me know your travel plans and I can perhaps assist with accommodation when you're here. There are two other big Wharrams under construction on Gabriola Island right now, one of them another Narai MK IV. I could organize a tour, if you're interested.
Feb 2, 2016