Chris Bretter



South Africa

Profile Information:

I am:
I want a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
I have purchaced plans 118 for a TIKI 38 Will started building in July 2009 .
A good friend of mine has built a few and will allow me to assist him.Hope to finish in 2 years.
Country, City, and State?
Durban South Africa
About me or us?
I am Sales Man at Harley-Davidson Durban my better half is Noreen and she is an editor for a motoring weekly.
Looking to?
Chat to Wharram people.Gather as much info as possible from people who love the wharram idea.

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  • Dave Mellor

    Gday Chris,the prop size im swinging is 21" 3 blade left hand.As you may be aware there are a few things come into the equasion to determine what size of prop you can swing to suit your boat and running gear.Basically,hull waterlength,hull shape [type of /and displacement],average engine revs max when underway,gearbox ratio.There are equasions that will get you near enough to your target.[Look up propeller calculator].Im using close to 2ltrs an hour and cruise 7kts at at about 1800rpm.I can put another 600rpm into the box and should bring speed up to @10kts if i need it.
  • Chris Bretter

    Hi Dave thanks a lot for the info.I have tiki38 plans and am making final design choices .2 outboards or a big diesel type of stuff.I like simple stuff and being a mechanic the old style diesel is first prize.Sounds like your system works well.and is quite efficient.Regards Chris
  • John& Kat Wilkie

    We are John and Kat from Australia, members of the PCA and we are building a 42' Pahi due to launch in about a year. We will be in Cape Town on 4/5 February and Durban on 7th February. If you are going to be in the area and would be happy to meet with us to discuss Wharram building and owning, we would enjoy it very much. Please let us know as soon as possible.
    John and Kat