Hans Hammig


Brits NW Province

South Africa

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder, I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Tangaroa Mk IV
Country, City, and State?
South Africa, North West Province
About me or us?
see website www,phefo.com

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  • Arthur Little

    Hi Hans!  My build is coming along rather slowly.  Had decided last year Nov to purchase a tiki 26 with a friend, Rob Stuart-Hill.  We bought Jabberwock from Etienne deKock in Cape Town, and I towed her through to Durban three weeks ago.  Currently doing cosmetic maintenance while we wait for a mooring.  Keen to go sailing!

  • Iain & Cherry Mae Cairns

    Hans goodday, how u doin.

    I have read ur posting about the mast being made of plastic sewage pipe,

    can u pleez supply more info on the construction of the masts. Especially how u got the epoxy & glass to stick to the plastic. I am thinking of sumthing along the same line, using ridgid plastic pipes that fit into each other with a very close tolerence.  

    Thanx Iain

  • Hans Hammig

    Hello Iain, The pipes are of the expensive tough plastic that does not break. 90 mm diameter. I cut the connection pieces off and glued the pipes together with with structural epoxy putty. Then put an electric cable outside, then glassfibre and epoxy outside, always a full sheet 130 cm wide and full length of mast (ca. 9m), which I rolled tightly around the pipe. I had sanded the pipe with 60 grid. I used 200g/m2 weave and 600g?m2 weave in layers of full length and width, a total of 10 kg Matrix Eopxy and 20 kg glass per mast. I post cured be packing the mast in black bags and placing in the Sun for two days. It was a monumental effort. Thickness of the laminate is about 9 mm.

    Regards, Hans