hans boortman

81, Male


Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder, I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
wharram tiki 38
Country, City, and State?
usa punta gorda florida

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  • Björn

    Hello Hans,
    nice Tiki, I especially like he tent over the pod, do you have any drwaings or sketeches of it. I am planning a similar thing on my tiki 38. I want to have the tent streteched out to either cabin entrance that in bad weather in port I can get from one to the other without making a mess down below and getting everything wet.
    Regards Björn
  • Bubba


    I noticed your tiki was for sale, can you send your asking price and details to myself here, or to noonan.n@gmail.com
  • john james

    hi Im oftimes wishing for a searunner 34 .Iwas expecting tiki to be a cheaper more cheerful build,which would you perfer as blue water ocean crossin vessels. I  Enjoyed the pictures of your tiki .shes beautiful.