Ganz Daniel

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder, I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Tiki 38 built in switzerland in the water since 2009
Country, City, and State?
eErlach, switzerland
About me or us?
We are a family with tree girls and just back home from a year cruising with our great Marabu
Looking to?
going back to the west indies and sail our boat back to europe

Comment Wall:

  • Olivier R.

    Salut Daniel
    En premier félicitation pour ta construction et ton voyage ensuite merci pour ton accueil. Effectivement j'ai plein de questions à te poser :-) Est il possible que nous nous voyons un jour? Bienne n'est pas loin de chez moi ( j'habite Genève).
    Encore bravo pour le tout
    Salut de Genève ou il fait beau
  • Chris

    thank you daniel, I am open to all plans, ideas & dreams. kindly contact me on and let me have some info on your plans. thanks again, chris
  • WaveDancer & Bella

    Moin Daniel

    Noch so gerne! Meine Koordinaten:

    Ich habe mein Zelt vorläufig in Thun aufgeschlagen. Aber Distanzen sind für unsereins ja kein Problem.  Beste Grüsse Markus Immer

  • Dave English

    Hi Ganz.

    Dave English here.

    I have a Tiki 38 Sarayu.

    I notice you have made up the Wharram's wind autohelm system.

    Just wondering how efficient it is and how much of the time can you use it.

