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Hi All, 

I know it says in the design book that the Tiki 30 is the largest trailerable Tiki, but does anyone actually do this?

It looks like a huge effort to dismantle and move around, not to mention the size of the trailer needed.

I would love to hear from anyone who has experience in doing so and if it is truly feasible.

Many Thanks,

Josh :o)

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Hi David, this is globalization. Sorry, but, here in Brazil the etanol isn't a good deal. the sugarcane's plantation and soy plantations invade Amazonia. Our president promoves ethanol around the world, but here is US$ 1,00 a litre !!! and consume ethanol x gasoline is 30% higher. Is clean, too much less carbon in air in motor scape. But a lot of carbon to burn sugarcane in plantation (he burn before cuts, for easyly, is proibith, but all do) and burn Amazonia rain florest borders.

Our progress today is the legacy of a past learning financial difficulties in the years 80/90 when inflation reached 45% per month. By being able to change this situation with the real plane in 94. Since then, only positive indicators. Brazil managed to go unscathed from global financial crises of 2008 and 2010.
But progresses very slowly because of bureaucracy.

Hugs and good winds

My cockpit isn't towable...is too big. Look my friend Fred relax after work.

Hi Rogerio, Iwish my fuel was $1.00 a litre. I currently pay $3.80 a gallon.  My truck gets 6.0 miles per gallon with an 44,000 lb. load!  Your boat is looking good by the way..

David,  a gallon is about 3.8 litres... So you pay about the same as Rogerio! In indonesia fuel is subsidized and is around 50cents a litre! In Australia its closer to $1.40 a liter.. You guys aren't doing too bad! :o)

Hi all, I remember seeing photos of a brilliant folding trailer for a Tiki 26 on another Wharram site, I think it was the one hosted by Scott Brown. The hulls were on frames that swing out parallel for the beams to be attached and the boat could then be backed into the water. At the time I remember thinking it would be easily scaled up for our Tiki 30 when it came time for our launching. I have recently searched for the photos and have been unable to locate them again. Does anyone know where the owner of the trailer can be contacted or where the photos can be found ?


Just scroll down to "Trailer For Tiki 26" discussion there were links to photos posted there. I think this the trailer you are thinking of.

Scaled up for a T 30 I would imagine it would be very expensive. Using a crane is not that expensive - certainly at once a year you would be a long time recovering the price of a trailer like this. In fact if you have the use of a crane / hoist you will be a long time recovering the price of even a simple trailer.

It makes sense for a T21 which I imagine could be assembled / sailed / taken home in a weekend.

I cannot see a T30 being used this way. Even to move say to a new cruising ground for a typical two week holiday [all many folk get] I would put aside a weekend before and after for launch / recovery. All a very clever trailer will do is replace the need for a crane. Even with a crane I take days  It is all the detail - bridle - lashings - motor - shrouds - tramp. - +++ that make it slow. Boatsmith has recently posted similar times.

I have assembled ashore and afloat. I recommend afloat as simple and cheap!!

Thanks Galway Bay!!  Kims photos are the ones I have been searching for. Obviously I have been looking in the wrong places.  On following  up on Kims posts it seems that there are sketches and measurements available.

The cost of building a scaled up version for our Tiki 30 is not a problem as we have a range of materials  on hand that would be suitable and would build it myself. This includes the complete tandem undercarriage, brakes ,lights etc. from a previous project. Even taking into account unexpected costs (which always seem to come up !) the trailer cost for us would still be less than one commercial transport and lift. We live 180 kms inland and plan to sail seasonally so need to transport the boat to the water and home each year.  Leaving the boat on a mooring is far to expensive and not an option for us.

Thanks again for the information,




Rob and Beth,
if you do go ahead and build a trailer like this, it would be great to see some photos!
Please keep us posted!
All the best for 2013,
Josh :)

Hi Josh,

Yes we have decided to build the folding trailer similar to the one in Kims photos. We will definately post photos when the time comes. The trailer build will not start until our Tiki 30 is nearer to launch day.We only need another month (maybe two)to finish the boat. Unfortunately that has to be delayed because work committments have once again become a greater priority#*&#!!!  However we will be working on the trailer design and hope to get it passed by our transport authority. Will post updates of our progress.

Happy new year to all,


Congratulations Rob that this is the year that you will have your boat ready and be out there sailing!

Looking forward to seeing all the updates and adventures! 


Josh :o)

I trailerd my tikki 30 severel times over long distances. It works.

That's a gutsy little car you have there SoLong!

Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Do I see a name change to the boat?

Happy New Year,

Josh :o)

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