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Protecting the beam from lashing cutting into it?

I recently purchased a used Pahi 42 and the main lashings need to be re-done.

I noticed that the ropes have slightly cut into the beams surface in a few places and was wondering what would be the best way to prevent that in the future.

I think I have seen some pictures of some kind of rubber mats being placed under the ropes and others with a hardwood layer on top of the beam?

As I am fairly new to all this, it would be great to get some easy to follow tips on how to do this best. Thanks!

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This picture shows some sort of aluminium bracket?


It depends on how the beams were built. If the beam tops are bare (unsheathed) lumber, I would probably do nothing at all. A little gouging from the lashings isn’t hurting anything. Placing metal or anything impermeable over the wood will likely trap moisture and cause rot over time.

If the beam tops are glassed, you can beef up the laminate under the lashings with several lays of heavy cloth (eg two layers of 1708). I’ve also seen boats with metal brackets. You could also machine something out of acetal pretty easily.

To me it looks like fiber glass:

and also at the bottom:

That doesn’t look too bad. If you’re restoring the beams, adding a layer or two of thick glass under the lashings would help.

The plans call for smearing lanolin between the beams and the lashings. I haven’t done that on my boat.

Thanks, I'll try that then.

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