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A tiki 46, a Ariki 48 or Tehini???? Big deal


i’m 51, French and my focus is to build my own Wharram catamaran.

Leaving in the Caribbean on a Nautitech 40, I just awoke up. What am i doing on this boat? My spirit is to sail the seas as a “wharramer”, in fact in my way on a Wharram plan.

I used to live in the Pacific, different places and my aim is to sail back there. So.... no better choice then a Wharram boat. Ty James for inspiring me.

Now big deal is about choosing the design.

I like what GranPha builders did, i’m also inspired by Boatsmith Ariki Bazinga.

i’ll like to build her as a mix of those inspirations, much more cheaper then Bazinga and bit different then GranPha.

I noticed some problems with wood Boatsmith constructions. I really think they’re great builders. Even professionnals as they're.....they still have wood construction problems. I don’t wanna make mistakes. I have to think a lot and prepare well before starting building.

Any advice will be appreciated.

Is a Tehini with junk rig seems to be a great idea? Should be my heart stroke.

My aim is to sail the seas with no hurry and no goals except being alive and happy.

Can we build a tiki 46 or a Tehini with the same Bazinga cockpit and roof  if we still having a wingsail rig?

tiki 46 is not my favorite of the three we’re talking about, but she seems to be the more clever choice for many reasons. Wharram plan (i’ll receive soon) of tiki 46 seems easier for the beginners.

What’s in your mind?

i intend to sell my  Nautitech and make this stupid money become a nice and safe Wharram babe. I’ll like to start building on September 2019.

Why a so big boat? Cause, I’m always playing the tools, diving, fishing.... need room. And having nice people, relatives or family on board is an option with this plenty of room.

At least should let you know that it’s my first try in building boats. No fear, now or never.

I know i’ll build one, but don’t know when, where, how, but still following few ideas.

Any knowledge about tiki 46 “Las Sirenas” for sale at the moment in Guatemala????


ty all

Language above still be English, but in the French way, sorry if it sounds strange.


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Hi there Gilles

Try and get on a few different boats and get a feel for the different designs. Get onboard and try out for size, as many as you can. I have a t 38 and these are a neat boat. My preference would be a t 46 going bigger but then I am not you. i Also keep tools( lots of tools), surfboard, fishing gear, snorkling(but not scuba) etc. but am happy with the size I have. If had a bigger budget I may go to the t46. I prefer the newer designs to the classics and probably most people do too...

Boatsmith builds of foam core glass, we have no problems with wood.

Ty Brett,

You experience and knowledge is quite interesting to me.

Maybe you just throw away my tehini heart stroke.T46 is getting more interest to me now. But you’re right about money, i’ll have a sharped look,on the t38.

Ty for answering. That’s help. I’ll think about.

Brett Parker said:

Hi there Gilles

Try and get on a few different boats and get a feel for the different designs. Get onboard and try out for size, as many as you can. I have a t 38 and these are a neat boat. My preference would be a t 46 going bigger but then I am not you. i Also keep tools( lots of tools), surfboard, fishing gear, snorkling(but not scuba) etc. but am happy with the size I have. If had a bigger budget I may go to the t46. I prefer the newer designs to the classics and probably most people do too...

Yes i’m sorry, truth is known to you alone.

I should have better say: I have read something about an eventuality problem on......

Ty for pointing facts.

boatsmith said:

Boatsmith builds of foam core glass, we have no problems with wood.

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