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Has anybody built an easy system for hauling out without having to resort to a crane?

I'm thinking about a couple of axils on car tyres.

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Hi Dave,

When i used to have my Tiki 30, I pulled her out the water up the beach using a standard trailer for a 14m speedboat with a couple of large beams laid across the trailer. I managed to borrow a the trailer and a couple of long aluminium beams from a friend. I was quite nervous the first time as i worried about the balance with the trailer wheels being between the hulls but it was very stable and showed no signs of tipping over. We used square lashing to attach the beams to the trailer. The only tricky bit was positioning the boat onto the beams so the balance point was correct. The first year i did it was a bit hit and miss but what i did the following year was to attach some bamboo poles vertically at the end of the beams and at the Y yoke of the trailer. This helped to position the boat correctly and evenly because once the trailer is submerged you cant see it. The bamboo poles should be long enough to stick out the water.  The key to the whole operation was to get the trailer in just the right water depth so that the boat was only just floating an inch above the trailer. Having plenty of men ( and women! ) around the boat to position it really helped to keep everything positioned until the boat and trailer were hauled forward so that the boat was sitting on the trailer securely. Once it was just on the trailer  i swam around the boat with a mask and double checked the positioning of the keels on the beams and once i was happy just hauled  the lot out. If you just want to drag it up the beach to do antifouling etc, then maybe some large size thick PVC pipe as rollers would work. They are nice and slippy and using the big sizes of say 6 inch means that as they sink in the sand the top is still above the sand. I've seen this method used to haul the bigger 15m Thai long-tail boats up the beach quite effectively..

Hope this helps and if you need clarification on the above please ask.


Thanks Marty. Much food for thought.


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