Wharram Builders and Friends

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New Tiki 38 #143 plans received and anxious to get started.

Hello, Everyone, Maggy and I received our plans a couple of days ago. Tiki 38 #143. We are now planning the exacts, as to where the boat workshop/shed should be placed on our very modest property, allowing the ability to move around as needed and the eventual transport loading for moving to the ICW. BTW we are also in the Blog/Website building stage. We are planning to share the workshop development, building, transport and everything in between with all of you. If anyone has any wisdom to pass along please feel free to contact us

Views: 224

Comment by Demi & Dirk on July 28, 2014 at 3:08am

Congrats! It would give us great pleasure to watch your building process on Your blog or website! Welcome in the "club". 

Have a great time

Demi & Dirk


Comment by Tom Vogt on July 30, 2014 at 10:03am
Thank you so much Demi and Kirk. Seems like you guys are coming along nicely on your 46. Look forward to reading more about your progress.


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