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I've never been totally happy with the jib sheeting on my Tiki 21. It's currently on a 2:1 which runs through a block on a lanyard much as per the design except that it is cleated off on a cam cleat fixed to the cockpit side. It's visible in the shot below.

This is ok, but you can't easily pull hard on the sheet. Also it's not good single handed as you can't control the head sail from the windward side. It has the advantage of keeping the decks clear which keeps my kids from tripping. 

The next issue is sheeting my planned asymmetric. Where is the best place to fix this? In the model below you I've marked out some possible points.

My thoughts include:

1. Some kind of block at C, a cleat at E

2. Similarly a block at D, cleat at E.

3. Perhaps E also be used to cleat the jib sheets.

4. Might D interfere with the tillers.

5. It might be inconvenient to thread blocks at D.

6. I might need to release sheets in a hurry.

I would hope to perhaps come up with an arrangement that would work for both sails. I've already checked out Roger's blog and many online pictures of other arrangements, but I'm still working through the possibilities.

I've little rigging experience and am not sure of the best solution or hardware choices.

Suggestions and comments would be welcome.



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Hi Ian,

Impressive post on your blog about sail design. Have you thought about a SailRite kit? Or, if you are going to design and sew it yourself, SailRite has lots of videos about putting sail panels together, sewing tacks and clews etc.


Hi Roger, Thanks for the comments. Yes, I have thought about a kit, but for me it's the journey rather than the destination, which means I'm going to make it up myself. The Sailrite videos are really useful and I'll be back there to study the assembly order and the details for the corners etc.


I'm a bit embarrassed at my blog post. It seems that I didn't publish the latest and the version posted was an early draft complete with typos. Sorry ... must do better. New version published with fewer mistakes; I hope.


Here's some more ramblings on the intricacies of designing and building an asymmetric spinnaker for the Tiki 21. You might need to be a bit nerdy for this one, or just be a bit bored at work!



Hi Ian,

Loving your blog mate - very detailed.


Thanks Roger. It might be more detail than some people need and There's more to come!

OK detail junkies, if you've really got time, click this link for even more on the spinnaker project.

Coming back to Jib sheeting, I've now got some 600mm (24inch) tracks for the jib lead blocks on my Tiki 21.

I'm going to replace the wooden strips where the sheets are currently tied off and led through blocks. (see below)

I need this more than ever now I have my new genoa to play with and it will need to be led further back. The adjustment will be good for the jib also.

Can anyone comment on the way I might fix this? I could bolt the tracks straight to the inner cabin sides. This would leave the tracks in the vertical plane. Alternatively I could fix new longer strips of wood to the cabin, and the tracks to the top of the wood. This would leave the tracks in the more conventional horizontal plane.

I don't know that there's anything wrong with the vertical (simple) approach, but I know this in not conventional way you see tracks and would not allow a spring to keep the block upright. 

Any comments would be appreciated.


What about on the deck?

I think currently that would just pull the decks up. I'd need a way to fix them down more. Also, as I use the boat for the family and camping, so keeping the deck clear is appealing. However, it's a good thought Roger, thanks. Do you think the tracks are better in the horizontal ?

Rogerio Martin has jib tracks fastened straight to the cabin sides on his Tiki 30. He'd probably have some good practical advice on it in a PM. 

Cheers Brad that's helpful. Rogerio posted a photo showing the track mounted vertically (the simple way!). I've asked if he has any comments. 

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