Even though I was more or less ready last year it took me again almost until the end of summer to finally launch my boat! It was awsome but as you can see almost no wind (so I still wait for a real test):

Now that the boat was in the water I also want to mention some suppliers who did a great job:
- The Sailfactory (www.sailfactory.com): They delivered the Cockpit trampoline. Even though they raised some doubts about the attachments according to plan, it worked perfectly.
- Jeckells: To be honest it took them a while to get the sails delivered, but we were always in close contact and as you see on the pictures they had no problems with the wingsail modification. I'm very happy with the sails. (The other two asiatic based sale makers which seem to have some Wharram experience were a bit disappointing. I contacted the main offices of Lee sails and Rolly Tasker. Both referred me to their German partners. Rolly Tasker replied after a few weeks but at that moment I had almost decided on Jeckells already. The price was a bit better but the offer was not completly to the specs I sent. I still wait for the contact of Lee sails Germany...
- C & F Fingado: Well, I guess you need to be located somewhere around Mannheim to take advantage of this, but in their tiny shop I found a lot of the bits and peaces to complete the rigging. The also did a great job in configuaring the stays.
- Bootsservice Behnke (www.bootsservice-behnke.de): I started with West Epoxy, I was very satisfied. Due to the price I tried epoxy from Behnke though and was quite happy with it, too (thanks to Björn for the hint).
- Robbins Timer (http://www.robbins.co.uk/): here I got all the wood and basic epoxy supplies. I really had troubles finding a place like this in Germany. They were able to offer all wood accordingly to the plan and didn't ask moon prices. With the bundle order in the beginning the freight was not an issue.
- James Wharram: Last but not least I want to mention the designer of the boat. The plans are easy to read and it is definetly possible to build a boat from them with close to no experience. If I remember correctly, I think there was only one major mistake: in the list of components for the mast there was only half of the wood for the sides mentioned.
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