Michael Dougherty

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Tiki 21
Country, City, and State?
USA, Seattle, WA

Comment Wall:

  • Roger

    Hi Michael,

    Its still for sale.


  • Jean-Michel Bader

    Hi Michael. Tigaki is in Eleuthera Bahamas with structural damage having hit the cars in Cat Island. One block on the aft beam is fractures and She has dents and scrapers all over the keels. We are struggling to go North to Abaco the only place where there is a marina to haul the boat out. That is another 55 nm from spanish wells and Then we d have to go along side half of the Island up North to get there. We are waiting for à weather window. Pleas relay the info to all wharram builders. Courage. JEan Michel