Joe Swetish


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I want a Wharram
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Build Tehini

Comment Wall:

  • Ann and Neville Clement

    What are your sailing plans (coastal, offshore, etc) and how many will be sailing with you. We had Tehini study plans up on the wall for many months. The designs are so appealing, it is hard to choose!
    Ann and Nev
  • Ernie wisner

    yep we have the plans and are working them over at the moment. no wood has been cut so far. you said Errors?

    thanks for friending me


  • Ernie wisner

    yep it makes sense. we just redrew the whole thing to give us some ideas. next we will draw it out on the pad in full size and play house a little bit to get an idea of the actual space's. thanks for the input. I wont be starting my build till mid summer next; but i have the wood being cut for it now.