Bill of Whitsunday



Profile Information:

I am:
I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Proud part owner of Kea Lea a slightly modified Wharram Pahi 42
Country, City, and State?
Queeensland Australia
About me or us?
We cruise the Queensland coast each season and plan to cruise the Coral Sea, PNG and Indo.
Looking to?
Share pics with Pahi enthusiasts. Provide pics of our unique Pahi that has been optimised by sucessive owners.

Comment Wall:

  • chris.t.schupp

     HI Bill,The webbing is constructed from one continuous piece of 1inch wide polyester the intrsections are welded together so the is no stitching.After its made it is coated in vinyl.Very stong and light,stable to move about on.

  • chris.t.schupp

    1. Hello Bill, I chose to have the tramp professionally built.Very high quality worth every cent      Chris