WaveDancer & Bella


Cebu City


Profile Information:

I am:
I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Tiki 30 "WaveDancer" is sold. New project is in ther pipeline, but lets build first our new home in the Philippines.
Country, City, and State?
Switzerland / Seychelles / Thailand / Philippines
About me or us?
Enjoying retirement. Bella is working and studying for her doctorate .....
Looking to?
Building our home in the Philippines. Sailing, trekking, to do my foto- and video-projects, enjoy life ....

Comment Wall:

  • Hector de Ezcurra

    Welcome WaveDancer!
    How did you stretch the boat? Just as per plans but only bigger? Did you modify the interiors' display?
    Your videos on Youtube are great! Please upload some photos, including interiors, to the photogallery.
    Thank you.
  • Mawibo

    It is amazing what 2 extra feet do to the lines of your tiki.
    Was it hard to modify the plans? Did J.W. supervise it?
    I suppose the extra cost is worth it.
    enjoy your sunny life, it looks like you do anyway,
  • christinè debost

    thank you very much.
  • Rory McDougall

    Hi WaveDancer,

    Very much admire your Tiki, she looks a picture under sail in the video.

    Harry is a Bill Belcher design and second hand books can be obtained at - 


    The vane was about 6" taller at first, then I made him a bit more streamlined and added a quick adjust weight arm. Cost about 40 quid to make. As Cookie is so light on the helm with the right sail balance - Harry steers with only the force of wind in the vane. There is no servo-pendulum paddle that trails in the water. May not be so suitable for larger Tikis?? Although I bet Harry could steer a trim-tab arrangement that would then steer the main rudders. Would be interesting to find out! As Cookie has no stern net beam, there is no aft central point to mount Harry, thats why I have two brackets on each cabin side and Harry has to be tacked when the wind or course changes.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other specific questions.

    Cheers, Rory

  • Ganz Daniel

    Hi Markus! Our boat is in Carriacou WI and i miss it also! Villicht bisch mau ir gägend de chöi mer eis ga schnappe... cheers dänu
  • Thomas Nance

    Hi there.

    Lovely boat and I really enjoy the videos too, probably the nicest wharram videos on the net. Im wondering if you can post some more info/pictures or videos about the modifications and how they work down below. Im very interested in the tiki 30 design and would be very interested in the mods you had made. Thanks alot

  • Nigel Signal

    Hi and thanks for the invitation. We brought Eric's boat last year so obviously you know the boat well. We currently have her in Langkawi and due to bring her back to Ao Chalong in October so Gunther can add a bimini and amke a couple of other small alterations to enhance our comfort. Many thanks for your video's which Id many times while contermplating buying Busker, in fact without the videos ight not have brought and instead continued to charter from Max at Ao Yon. We are planning 2 weeks in Phang Nga bay over Christmas finishing back in Langkawi so if you are going to be in the area maybe a beer at the Lighthouse? Stay well and I hope the new project is going well. Cheers

  • Peter Vogt

    Hello Wavedancer

    I sent you friendship request, but no comment. Sorry!

    I'm actually living in CH. I'm diving instructor, love a Filippina and plan livining with her in some years on a Wharram.

    About your reply I would be very happy!

    Best regards



  • Peter Weil

    Greetings. My girlfriend in the picture just moved to India for a six month job. She asked me to join her in Februafy for a vacation maybe in Thailand or the Philipines. Where would you suggest going. Thinking about a sailing charter.
  • Peter Brook

    Hi Wavedancer & Bella

    I am planning to build a Wharram in the Philippines in next few years.  We are in Cebu from 23rd - 27th September visiting friends, but our main base likely to be near Laoag or maybe Sta Ana on Luzon.

    Unsure of whether to build 30, 38 or 46.  Seems plywood is becoming difficult to source and other materials/equipment might be complicated to import.  

    Any comments from your own experiences would be appreciated.

    Kind regards



  • Peter Brook

    Hi WaveDancer

    Thanks for getting back.

    You are right, we have time to plan.  Philippines politics seems to be moving rapidly at the moment, so it might be that importing materials or boats themselves becomes a little easier.  I would love to build myself, something that goes back many years.  Problem is, I also want to be sailing straight away once I am out in the Philippines full-time in around 5 years.  That said, during the next 5 years, I will spend more of the year in the Philippines, so a part-time build will be possible.

    I am not certain what type of sailing I will do.  Likely to be coastal hopping at first, but I would like to consider extended passages as confidence of the team allows.  My wife has little sailing experience, but is pretty fearless in general.  Myself, racing dinghies and coastal cruising on 36 footers.  Never been seasick and only worried on a boat when conditions merit respect!  Shallow draft and ease of beaching appeal (dodging typhoons as well as exploring coastline).  Worried that going too small would put the family off.

    We visit the Philippines 1-2 times a year currently and this will increase, so if we don't meet up this year, will be plenty of future opportunities.

    With humidity issue, the Northern part of Luzon is less humid than central islands, but I agree, it will limit construction through part of the year.  No worse than the UK where it is too cold for a good few months too.

    Keep an eye on my posts here and by all means keep me posted on your activities.  Hopefully I can buy you a San Mig sometime next year!



  • SIEJA Edouard

    I know that you sold your 'wavedancer' tiki 30.
    I am planning to build 30 T and I was seduced by lengthening your boat.
    I am in caraîbes and that's where I'll navigate.
    But why did you choose to make a 32.5 feet and not a 33 '.
    Is it a problem or just a structure you wanted 32.5.
    What problems asked you this elongation.
    Your bimini is beautiful, how high is it from the cockpit floor?.
    Have you kept the same width of the boat?
    Thank you to answer me even though it's been some time since you no longer have this beautiful boat.


    My email: altai50@gmail.com

  • Norm van't Hoff

    Hi there, 

    Thanks for the friend request. You must be missing your Tiki... We're actually about to overnight in Cebu City (outside the yacht club). We'll pootle around Bohol for next 6weeks or couple of months, then plan to jump off to Palau. All the best, Norm 

  • Yvon Dalle

    Hello ! I M in Thailand and i'm looking for a used Tiki 30 or...Tiki ...?
    Ifirst you know one ! Thank you ☺
  • Nigel darbyshire

    Hi Wavedancer & Bella
    Like so many that have asked before I am seeking information to assist me in stretching my tiki 30 build.
    I realise you didn't build the boat yourselves but I am seeking information on if Wavedancer has any tendancies to weather helm or lee helm that may be undesirable? I am assuming you are using a standard tiki 30 rig, which if I am correct, would place the centre of effort further forward than the standard plans.
    Any information would be appreciated.
    Cheers Nigel