Thomas Nielsen


United States

Profile Information:

I am:
A home builder, I own a Wharram, Other Multihull, Other Monohull
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
Wharram Tiki 26, Gary Dierking Ulua 16, Bamboo surfboards, building insulation surfboards, canvas and cedar strip canoe
Country, City, and State?
Seattle Washington
About me or us?
Looking to?
share, build and go sailing

Comment Wall:

  • paul anderson

    hey tom i have found your insights into building your 26 very helpful,not to mention the practical that you have sailed her for a while is there anything you would add or do differently with hindsight.
  • paul anderson

    thanks thomas for the heads up,who knows one day i may sail up to your beautiful part of the world.