The Ethnic Catamaran Company




Profile Information:

I am:
I own a Wharram
What boat (s) are you building or do you own?
A Tiki 38 modified for strip-plank red cedar composite construction.
Country, City, and State?
Pattaya, Thailand
About me or us?
The Ethnic Catamaran Company sails Polynesian-inspired double canoes, built using a combination of modern and traditional techniques, to explore concepts of sea-steading and the viability of small, self-reliant, water-borne communities that "tread lightly" on the sea.
Looking to?
Launch the vessel in January, 2009, and take advantage of the NE Monsoon to do a shake-down passage from Pattaya towards Ko Chang

Comment Wall:

  • sam

    hiya ,thanks for the comments .i do intend to build a simple deck pod .it isnt so tropical down here [for %99 of the time]... your boat looks great .a lot of work eh ? cheers